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What are your sensory issues?

Sudden loud noises have always been a big one for me. If I even see balloons I get nervous because I'm afraid someone might pop them.
I don't mind sunlight, in fact I like it. But, I was out buying some shoes today and the store had spotlights that no matter where I tried to look they were in my eyes and glarey. I couldn't really concentrate on looking at shoes. I would have just left, but my partner was was all "Do you want shoes or not?" Plus he helped find some like I wanted.
I'm sensitive to sounds, especially loud noises, and crowd. I don't know why, but I feel like a piece of tree standing in the middle of a crowd of people.
I hate fire drills at school. The high-pitched screeching of the alarm combined with being packed into a crowd moving at a snail's pace down the stairs isn't exactly pleasant.
I hate fire drills at school. The high-pitched screeching of the alarm combined with being packed into a crowd moving at a snail's pace down the stairs isn't exactly pleasant.

This I could never handle it so well back then.
I would also be afraid that I would start losing my hearing.
Wow, i find it amazing how many sensory issues are the same for a lot of people.

  • Sudden loud noises
  • Lots of moving objects/people... i find it hard to concentrate
  • High frequency Sounds
  • High pitched conversations
  • Multiple background conversations
  • A mix of background noises
  • Fluorescent lights
  • Any bright light shining in my eyes or reflecting in my eyes ( Sun light is the worst)
  • Flashing lights
  • UV Lights make me dizzy and confused
  • Light touch (a hair anywhere on my body will drive me insane until I get it off), sudden and unexpected pain. Accidental touching another person (skin) is like getting an electric shock.
  • Some fabrics... Wool just feels like wire wool
  • Can't handle anything sticky or gritty on my hands
  • Some chemical based smells give me a metallic taste for a long time and a headache
  • I really really like some smells and will go out of my way to 'get me some' (Petrol Lighters & Sulfer)
  • Can't take stuffy warm rooms, any type of heat... I have to be cool or cold all the time.
how about with losing your obsession
if I lost my obsessions, e.g. my battletech novels or games, I feel like my life is doomed, does somebody or anybody had the same experience .
Loud sudden noises
bright light
the new headlight
hair that is where it dose not belong
and many other things
I also have a few sensory issues with clothing, which is supposed to be a fairly common aspie thing. I can't stand wearing scratchy clothes, and I absolutely hate having to wear a necktie (which I don't have to do very often, thankfully). If I ever get a job where I have to dress up a little bit, I really hope it's one where I don't have to wear a tie, or, if I do, I can get away with wearing a clip-on tie.

I'm completely with you on the clothing thing...
I'm really picky about clothing textures and what/how they cover. I hate baggy clothing, but I hate things that are too "short" (basically if I can feel the clothing in inconsistent ways, if that makes sense). I have to have soft clothing...etc....certain colors...etc etc
I have a massive, detailed list of what I can/can't wear, it's awful and probably sounds horribly shallow to anyone else...
I generally wear variations on the same exact thing for the most part.
Yeah, I dont like loud noises, I hate being touched gently, poked or tapped, I don't like hugs either and try to not do it alot. It's kindof not fair...I will
Sometimes randomly hug someone caue they make ne really happy or something, but I HATE being randomly hugged.
Some lights I guess...I hate the lights that blink just a little...like...they flicker? That's super annoying.
Oh! A huge one that doesn't bother anyone else in my house is when the t.v. is on the channel when it's black and white? Who else thinks it sounds sprinkley and jingley and like it's snowing.
Anyone else hear this?
And sensitivity to other extremely high-pitched noises that no one else seems to hear most of the time. Yes, deffinately noises.
I react to sudden sounds too. And I lack good temperature regulation so either weather is too cold or too hot. I also react to too high sounds. I have tinnitus from Military? most likely. Sounds like high pitched noise going on 24/7.

But two of the most annoying such is that I lack concentration for more than a few seconds. When people describe things then I have already forgotten what them say after a few words. I have to constantly say slow down can you repeat that thing. They easily give up on me which is very embarrassing.

Another thing is my failure to control my motor movements. I mean like walking straight and dancing, I am too clumsy and not coordinated enough to be a Dancer. I fail to hear the rhythm. And I love music and dance. I would dance all night if I could. It feels good the few seconds it just flow but it only last a few seconds and then I lose the flow of it.
Loud noises, annoying noises (beeping microwaves, hair dryers, vacuum cleaners, etc) and bright lights. Also crowded places (that goes without saying)...
+ Perfume in general. There's only one perfume that I can tolerate, and that's 'J'adore'. Most perfumes and colognes give me a headache. When I was child, whenever my mum started putting perfume on, I'd run away and tell her she smelled :P I'm much more tactful than that nowadays.
+ Vacuum cleaners. I find them painful.
+ Any material touching the base of my neck and collarbone area. It's more pronounced on the left side. It fluctuates from being annoying but tolerable, to downright painful. I can't wear necklaces [tried for a while, too much effort in the end], and some of my older shirts have their collars permanently pulled down from me dragging them. If someone tries to touch me there, I tend to ward them off.
I am affected by loud noises, bright lights, certain textures, smells a lot of the time. I turn off the lights except late at night. I used to wear ear plugs a lot of the time, but now I just plug my ears. I can't stand a scratchy tag or blanket, and strong smells make my head hurt. I dislike social gatherings because of the noise, as well has some social anxiety issues. If I can help it, I turn off the microwave before it beeps, cover my ears when the toilet flushes. (When I was little, I despised automatic toilets because I never knew when they would go off.) My ears are the worst; I get ear infections a lot, have very acute hearing, and I was diagnosed with TMJ for my ear problems. I hate the fire alarm, it freaks me out. My ears are really messed up. :P
I really don't like other people touching me. I can tolerate or even initiate touch with people I know really well but there has to be trust there. I don't really like social gatherings because of the noise, the inability to control who will randomly try to touch me. I get overwhelmed by a lot of people in situations I am unfamiliar with. I do not like florescent lighting but some light is fine. Some foods I can't stand (yogurt, brownies, hot chocolate)

Rosalia: I too have issues with my ears having had TMJ and constant ear infections in my youth. I always hear stuff no one else can.
I don't have many problems with being touched until someone tries to put their arm around my shoulders. Then it's clobberin' time. (Not really. Usually.)

Also, oranges and tomatoes annoy me with their smells. One smells like burning, the other like rotting garbage.
I don't like sudden loud noises. I do jump. I don't like loud noises in general, loud tv, hoover, loud music, etc. I don't get as frightened as I did when I was a kid, but I do get anxious. I can feel my chest tighten and my stomach knot up if there's loud noises.
I don't like being touched or tickled. I PARTICULARLY don't like my face being touched, by anything human or non human.
I hate the sound of people eating. It makes me anxious and panicky, I don't know why.
If you make a point to spend ten minutes SCRAPING your utensils intensely to get every last ounce of sauce from your plate, then I want to throw my drink at you. That drives me insane. I can't stress enough how awful I find eating at a quiet dinner table is.

Why is eating in front of a TV so frowned upon as being trashy? I hate that.
Why is eating in front of a TV so frowned upon as being trashy? I hate that.

Here's a few reasons... not that I think it's that trashy, some things might apply to me personally, some are more in general.

a. because when I have dinner I want it to be quiet. Some people don't want people talking at a table, and a tv doesn't really make it less quiet

b. I wouldn't want to get into an argument over what to watch during dinner when eating with my partner (or my parents).

c. I think there still is something about people having a "dinner table", and thus sitting there instead of on a couch in front of the tv. The entire idea of having a place to have dinner together still is that corner in the house.

d. To me, eating in front of the tv... I want to enjoy what I'm watching, but I also want to enjoy dinner and I'm horrible at doing both. With that, some people watch a lot of tv in a passive mode, having dinner at the same time, just feels like "shoveling foodrations in" rather then enjoying your meal. How about, we just watch tv while having dinner and do other stuff the rest of the day... that'll be a revolutionairy concept. Also, a bit like C. A lot of people think of cooking a meal for the family as some kind of effort, and with that some "respect" that someone cooked a meal for all of us. If you're shovelling it down cause you're watching tv, it seems less like you actually appreciate it.

But that's a few reasons I can think of and what I've heard people ramble about, though those views might be old fashioned.

Quite often, especially if I made my own dinner (instead of my mom cooking for the family here), I'll grab my plate and go upstairs to finish that movie/podcast/series I was watching (which reminds me, that I still have a plate in my room since a week; that also happens like that, lol.. just like having forks, knives or spoons around) but I'll eat downstairs at the table when my mom cooked for all of us. I can't imagine sitting through dinner for more than 3 minutes downstairs with all those programs my parents watching going on and me sitting with them. During dinnertime, they mostly watch some german programs, which to me pretty much is like german white trash with a lot of screaming, yelling and hysterical behaviour that could give Jerry Springer a run for his money; thus there's the point of "what to watch?". I'd be ok if they'd have dinner at sometime late (instead of between 3 and 4 in the afternoon) and have the news on, but that's something they rarely care for... probably because it's not sensational enough to them... but that's a different discussion.
I think I've written about it already but decided to write some more (having an out-of-sync day, damn it :) ) anyway, I'd like to mention something about TV and food,
in many cases I eat while doing something else: watching TV, having a conversation, working on computer. I don't care much for food and I rarely eat something so amazing that I would have to enjoy it separately from other activities. I also rarely enjoy TV that much :) so in combination those 2 create balanced enjoyment :) as for working on computer, I always think, "what, I'm going to have this snack just like that, by itself? no way!" :) I remember when I was a kid I was asked not to talk during dinner, my thought were, "what's the point to have dinner together if you can't talk" :)

Noises bother me, any kinds but mostly disorganized. If I'm in the environment with continuous noise for about an hour, I will be having troubles with normal functioning for the next 2 days. I need to have several hours break in silence, it's absolute must! There're exceptions though, consents or some lectures.
Color wise, I'm actually the opposite, I love colorful environments, but there have to be breaks of mild color (like white or beige) between one wild pallet and another. I don't like red walls, they drive me crazy.

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