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What did you eat today?

My sister had a DNA test done a few years ago and found out she had two markers for gluten intolerance. a few moths ago she went on a gluten free diet and immediately her weight dropped. actually for a few months I thought she was getting anorexic. not the case she was never weight conscious or concerned about her weight. very quickly her body settled into a natural weight for her. after that she has been after all we share the same genetics telling me get yourself tested. One thing did concern me the price l most $10 per loaf. expensive lifestyle.

Learn to make cornbread. There is no gluten in corn.
My breakfast consisted of cream cheese, smoked salmon and some capers on a toasted plain bagel. My husband doesn't understand how I can eat fish for breakfast. ;)
Chicken pita for lunch, beef Bahn Mi for dinner. My best friend paid me in food for the pleasure of my company, and I have no complaints :D

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