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What do YOU consider rude?

People who try and trap you into "small talk";
People who show up too late or too early;
People who ignore me when I'm talking;

PEOPLE basically!!!
People who find it hilarious to deliberately make others uncomfortable "just to watch them squirm."
People who have some kind of biological need to spew hateful vitriol against something you really like just because they don't share your opinion.
Double standards. I can't respect anyone who cherry picks which rules don't apply to them.
The perplexing habit of straight-up abandoning a conversation with one person because someone more interesting just walked in.
People who say they'll do a certain thing (contact you about something, pay back money they owe, give you a ride somewhere, etc.) at a certain time, and then just don't without any explanation beyond "sorry lol."
Being asked how you are and then having the other person get offended when you're actually honest about it.

And people say Aspies are rude?
People who find it hilarious to deliberately make others uncomfortable "just to watch them squirm."
People who have some kind of biological need to spew hateful vitriol against something you really like just because they don't share your opinion.
Double standards. I can't respect anyone who cherry picks which rules don't apply to them.
The perplexing habit of straight-up abandoning a conversation with one person because someone more interesting just walked in.
People who say they'll do a certain thing (contact you about something, pay back money they owe, give you a ride somewhere, etc.) at a certain time, and then just don't without any explanation beyond "sorry lol."
Being asked how you are and then having the other person get offended when you're actually honest about it.

And people say Aspies are rude?
Oh my goodness! Yes to all of those too!!!
People who find it hilarious to deliberately make others uncomfortable "just to watch them squirm."
People who have some kind of biological need to spew hateful vitriol against something you really like just because they don't share your opinion.
Double standards. I can't respect anyone who cherry picks which rules don't apply to them.
The perplexing habit of straight-up abandoning a conversation with one person because someone more interesting just walked in.
People who say they'll do a certain thing (contact you about something, pay back money they owe, give you a ride somewhere, etc.) at a certain time, and then just don't without any explanation beyond "sorry lol."
Being asked how you are and then having the other person get offended when you're actually honest about it.

And people say Aspies are rude?

Yup, people accuse me of being rude for being myself and being honest but then they do all that stuff and more, and no one bats an eye. I think I've been raised to think that while it's not okay for me to be rude to other people, it's perfectly fine for them to be rude to me, and there's nothing I can do about it, because standing up for yourself means hurting the other person's feelings and thus being rude.
So I'm rude for not shaking someone's hand that they sneezed into, but they're not rude for ignoring me, interrupting/talking over me, or making fun of me. Yup, makes perfect sense. /sarcasm
People who find it hilarious to deliberately make others uncomfortable "just to watch them squirm."
People who have some kind of biological need to spew hateful vitriol against something you really like just because they don't share your opinion.
Double standards. I can't respect anyone who cherry picks which rules don't apply to them.
The perplexing habit of straight-up abandoning a conversation with one person because someone more interesting just walked in.
People who say they'll do a certain thing (contact you about something, pay back money they owe, give you a ride somewhere, etc.) at a certain time, and then just don't without any explanation beyond "sorry lol."
Being asked how you are and then having the other person get offended when you're actually honest about it.

And people say Aspies are rude?

Believe me, a lot of people don't make it passed the high school mentality for years after graduating from school and still like to play mind games with people they think are beneath them as well as act immature :(

There was a forum site I came across once for adults and dating and I wondered if the members weren't still in school because of the way they were behaving and fighting among each other. -___-

I guess the owner just abandoned the site and it went to hell, so there's a good chance that a lot of them are still in school. Wouldn't surprise me the way they were rude to any new members and basically tried to make the site exclusive to only them ...

I consider it rude to let the Internet become an excuse to treat others like crap just because there's no accountability and because your safe and anonymous behind a keyboard :(

I've seen people tell others how to properly commit suicide just because they were just another user name to them and that makes me want to track them down and tell their parents about how much of a little brat their child is.

How could anyone online not give damn about whether or not someone does commit suicide ? Oh that's right because it's easy to be a little coward with total anonymity behind a keyboard :rage:
I think I've been raised to think that while it's not okay for me to be rude to other people, it's perfectly fine for them to be rude to me, and there's nothing I can do about it, because standing up for yourself means hurting the other person's feelings and thus being rude.
So I'm rude for not shaking someone's hand that they sneezed into, but they're not rude for ignoring me, interrupting/talking over me, or making fun of me. Yup, makes perfect sense. /sarcasm

Man, can I ever relate to that.
I'm so used to assuming that everyone knows better than I do about social interaction, so if someone is rude to me, it must be because they were playing to some nonverbal subtext or circumstantial loophole that I wasn't aware of. It's so frustrating. Can't even tell you how many times I've had to bite my tongue to spare the feelings of someone who clearly hasn't given any thought to mine.
I don't mind children, if they are raised well and tought manners

This was going to be one of mine! One time I was at my therapist's office and there were children who were yelling and whining and somehow the parent's admonishments to them to shut up! only made it worse. It got to the point where I went up to the front desk and told them I was going to the other waiting room--fortunately, that's right when the little monsters left. I understand the need for the continuation of our species, but...can't we just skip childhood and have them pop out fully formed and mature?
I enjoy children. I would not have missed my daughter's childhood for anything on earth. I guess what I meant to imply in my post, was that my sense of grim satisfaction came when I thought that the mother of those children would realize that she should have made them behave. One of the practitioners had to stop and administer first aid while in the middle of doing my treatment. When my daughter was small, I used to pack an activity bag for her when I had to take her someplace boring. I would bring coloring books, crayons, and snacks. Those kids had no idea what was expected of them, and it was clearly their mother's job to show them. :)
I hate that I have a reputation with people that I've never spoken to. It's very odd that there are people that feel like they've had something "done" to them socially by me, and that these people are often prone to complaining that I'm a stranger, martian, unfriendly person, etc.
I don't know if this has happened to anyone else, but sometimes when I'm having difficulty with eye-contact during a conversation the person will start doing it back like it's contagious. Maybe it's meant to be helpful, but it is kind of rude and assuming...
I don't know if this has happened to anyone else, but sometimes when I'm having difficulty with eye-contact during a conversation the person will start doing it back like it's contagious. Maybe it's meant to be helpful, but it is kind of rude and assuming...
It's probably unconscious on their part. People naturally tend to mirror each other's body/facial language. If someone mirrors you, it means they feel at ease with you, and that they sort of like you.
It's probably unconscious on their part. People naturally tend to mirror each other's body/facial language. If someone mirrors you, it means they feel at ease with you, and that they sort of like you.
Possibly this is true where I've seen it, but it's so exaggerated that I would have to interpret it as something that is meant to "punish". I'm not usually bothered when people mirror me because I do that as well.
Possibly this is true where I've seen it, but it's so exaggerated that I would have to interpret it as something that is meant to "punish"..
MOre likely a misguided effort to make you feel comfortable. SOmeone attempting to punish would not engage in either subtle or purposely exaggerated mirroring.
I don't like it when I have a sneeze fit and someone says "god bless you" every time I sneeze.

Another thing. I have a long history of not liking camping trips (probably because of no TV or internet). I once said I didn't like it because "nature doesn't do anything" (I was referring to flora, trees in particular). My little sister never let me forget that (although she was a kid at the time).

I was also in class once when they were talking about Dr. Who (it's an adult education class for aspies and doubles as a social thing). Someone asked what Dr. Who was and several students yelled "Who's Dr. Who?" in unison.
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MOre likely a misguided effort to make you feel comfortable. SOmeone attempting to punish would not engage in either subtle or purposely exaggerated mirroring.
It usually helps to be positive about people's actions! Perhaps... I'd never thought of it as a way of trying to show identification before.
I'm still pretty sure some of them are backhandedly denying my disability! >.>
Personally I find people using mobile phones when you're with them in cafes etc. or when your talking to them highly rude. That's far more rude than anything my aspie traits produce to other people IMO.
Personally I find people using mobile phones when you're with them in cafes etc. or when your talking to them highly rude. That's far more rude than anything my aspie traits produce to other people IMO.
Working in retail, I love it when someone is talking on their mobile while performing a transaction...I don't have to put forth any effort into socializing at all! I wish more people would do it. :P
I'm not really sure how to classify "rude" really. I know there are expected societal paradigms that the majority of people conform to. I know things like staring, not paying attention, pacing, and sudden outbursts are rude (because I've been told directly). When I read books though, especially classic literature, I get a sense of propriety that is much more strict than today. When I examine other cultures across the world, there is a whole host of behaviors and subtle cues that offend people.

NT's seem to change their minds over time, and depending on where they live, which is really strange to me. What I find rude (or at least highly offensive), is when someone has a complete disregard for life. Like when my neighbor brags about how he killed a rabbit that was in his yard. It is the most ignorant and selfish thing I can possibly imagine. I never forget it either.

On a personal note, with much less severity, I find it exceedingly rude when someone interrupts my research. If I'm working, deep in thought, and someone pesters me with some sort of trivial concern...examples (with my private mental responses) below:

"What are you doing?" -You wouldn't understand. Go away.
"Are you hungry?" -Irrelevant at this time. Go away.
"Do you want to come with us...." -No. Go away.

I know all of those things are honest inquiry, and more than likely from a caring individual. But it really irritates me.
The following kinds of people (who are often the same people):

Intimacy Forcers (whether it's physically or emotionally)
Baby Talkers (what's up with that? Do I look five to you?)
Askers who don't actually want the answer to their question; they just want you to read their mind and agree with them.
Spoonfeeders (I didn't ask you to elaborate, so why the f assume that I didn't understand?)
I hate rudeness.

Yep, me too.
Here are things like this bothers me and i considere rude.

a) Make fun of people's clothes and appearance.
b) When people ignore one when is talking (very rude)
c) Impolite answers (there's SO MANY words to express yourself, why use the more ugly or offencive ones?!! I can't understand.)
d) Talk to loud to someone on purpose/scream with someone
e) Hug or touch without asking permission first
f) Don't apologize when needed
g) Stare at a person (very very very rude)
h) Take things without permission
i) Push people in order to pass through places, like crowded buses
j) Not give you chair for a elderly person or a pregnant to sit
k) Take advantage from naivety of others
l) Invalidate others person's feelings (assume the others persons problems is nothing just because you can deal with or don't understand them).
m) Being insistent and make people uncomfortable
n) Talk to someone using sunglasses (and not remove them when possible) (i'm a little paranoid)

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