At the age of 54, I guess I don't "struggle" anymore. I've just accepted, adapted, and overcome, in most cases. I've done enough research into the anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, and psychology of autism to realize there are certain things that I simply do not have the "hardware" for, no amount of "software" is going to change who I am. With that, comes a large degree of self-awareness. When I am put into certain situations, whether it be environment (sensory issues) or social (communication issues), I will sometimes have to admit my limitations, sometimes confess my autism to others, and/or simply do the best I can.
Although the #1 thing that consistently confuses me is so-called neurotypical thought patterns,...whether it be politics, religion, dis/misinformation, dishonesty, emotional decision making, tribalism,...belief and motivational systems, in general. I don't understand how many people, including my healthcare co-workers, will spout the virtues of science and evidence-based medicine,...yet when presented with it, may disregard it when it conflicts with their beliefs. Many do not understand the concept of investment or long-term goals, as they live in the "now". How much is it going to cost me "now",...not how much is it going to save me later,...or how much money am I going to make later by making this investment now. Many, including professionals who should know better, still think linearly, rather than exponentially or parabolically, and are consistently wrong on their predictions. Many do not see their lives and their world 1, 5, 10, 20 years from now,...whereas, I am constantly thinking about it. I could spout on about the $250/month I am saving in my budget by installing a solar energy system in my house and driving electric cars,...many will nod their head, agree, come off somewhat impressed,...but then continue to do nothing but pay the utility companies and pump gasoline into their cars,...being more comfortable being dependent rather than independent. I just listen to the news, listen to the people around me converse, look at the stock markets for trends, etc....and realize, I am a visiting extraterrestrial being trapped here on Earth. Most societal behavior has never made any kind of logical sense to me,...I have learned to just keep my mouth shut and do my own thing. I can say that I've done pretty well so far being my own person.
Although the #1 thing that consistently confuses me is so-called neurotypical thought patterns,...whether it be politics, religion, dis/misinformation, dishonesty, emotional decision making, tribalism,...belief and motivational systems, in general. I don't understand how many people, including my healthcare co-workers, will spout the virtues of science and evidence-based medicine,...yet when presented with it, may disregard it when it conflicts with their beliefs. Many do not understand the concept of investment or long-term goals, as they live in the "now". How much is it going to cost me "now",...not how much is it going to save me later,...or how much money am I going to make later by making this investment now. Many, including professionals who should know better, still think linearly, rather than exponentially or parabolically, and are consistently wrong on their predictions. Many do not see their lives and their world 1, 5, 10, 20 years from now,...whereas, I am constantly thinking about it. I could spout on about the $250/month I am saving in my budget by installing a solar energy system in my house and driving electric cars,...many will nod their head, agree, come off somewhat impressed,...but then continue to do nothing but pay the utility companies and pump gasoline into their cars,...being more comfortable being dependent rather than independent. I just listen to the news, listen to the people around me converse, look at the stock markets for trends, etc....and realize, I am a visiting extraterrestrial being trapped here on Earth. Most societal behavior has never made any kind of logical sense to me,...I have learned to just keep my mouth shut and do my own thing. I can say that I've done pretty well so far being my own person.