Wow. That guy sounds like a total creep. People really do need to learn to take no for an answer. In some cases, people are not able to accept a break-up, or they don't know how to handle rejection like a civilized person would. But that's no reason to act sinister and try to find out everything about your life. That was definitely a scary experience for you!
I think you're right about ignoring the Australian troll. Of course, it's rather annoying ignoring our guest of honour Gimpy here, when I see that my online acting profiles are being screwed with, which is really pointless. I don't know why he keeps acting like this, giving that he's 36 as well. That's pretty stupid, giving his age. But you know someone is obsessed with you when they edit all of the same wiki pages, just to be copied into your contributions.
Truth be told, I hadn't heard from this stalker for years, until he suddenly resurfaced in 2017. I don't think he's really going to do anything serious besides being spiteful, because he knows I have his identity and proof of who he is, so that's him just trying to provoke me to get a response. He thinks he is bright, but then he left his blueprints everywhere. Pretty childish though to still be doing this to a stranger online, because he knew me from some old Resident Evil and Capcom forums, around 18 years ago. This is absolutely ridiculous and moronic behaviour. But he's not gonna stop.