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What do you think of today's music?

I like some of the older bands coming back after a long hiatus or after breaking up, especially 90s indie bands such as Juliana Hatfield 3, The Breeders, Dinosaur Jr. are ones that come to mind. I do like some mainstream autotune too, yes, I am a sucker for that, and I would love to be able to make money like they are, but I would be willing to admit to my lack of talent in writing and just try to keep it positive on live TV to make as much money as possible, lol. You know, stuff like Backstreet Boys and NKOTB coming back, Nick Carter and Jordan Knight doing an album, oh the horror, lol. I also have been randomly getting into indie hip hop and pop/electronic asian music videos.
I already used up my credits for posting here years ago, lol... but I suppose new perspectives are worth something as well.

Music nowadays seems a bit of a cut and paste thing I feel. With all the songs using samples from classic songs, some genres doing it more than others and some acts actually doing covers, and still end up in the charts, it makes me wonder how much we actually want something new.

I had no clue what was in the charts (and with that I'm only addressing pop music) but I decided to look it up and it's the same formulaic stuff that has been around for decades, just with better production values every single year. I suppose you can't really argue with that kind of approach in that it works to sell songs and provide earwurms to most people; and thus the purpose of pop music is complete.

However; I feel that if I look into other genres; and I really don't get into every genre (country/country rock for example doesn't do a thing for me), but for the ones I do enjoy (a lot of metal/rock, goth, most electronic dance music styles and some rap) I do see trends both in style and in terms of production (and the entire technical aspect), where EDM in general seems to hold a high ground in both style and production since it sprouts different styles regularly often because of said production (dubstep, even if it's already around for almost a decade, being a good example, since it's a result of automated synthesizerprogramming that's possible because of all the digital production software; hardly a realistic thing to get into when it was all analogues; but there are some other contemporary EDM subgenres that revolve around specific techniques).

Content in terms of lyrics in music nowadays; I suppose it depends on the genres you're into. I never got into pop music, so the, to me, superficial topics and dozens of lovesongs kinda go past me. Other genres; depending on subgenres I feel are a bit more timeless in that there are plenty of metal songs about death and decay and have been around in the 90's as well. Rap still has a thuggish image ever since it was a thing, goth kids still mope around, lol... and electronic styles; they often don't even feature lyrical content...

Yeah, that's a random 2 cents I had to spare on the topic right now :)
I think there's plenty of good music nowadays, just like at any other time. Time will show what can remain in people's hearts and what will vanish.

Here's my play list (I couldn't find any posts from myself on this thread, but I feel I've posted here before... or maybe it's a different thread :) )

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The last CD I bought was the album "Welcome to the Neighbourhood" by Meat Loaf, that shows how retro my music tastes are, well I did purchase the crap Westlife version of Barry Manilow's "Mandy" on CD in 2004 right after downloading the original.
Most of it is very samey, and that goes for both indie and mainstream genres. The indie music all has the same melancholy guitars and deep voiced, breathy vocals and slow tempo and the mainstream is the same but maybe with more electronic beats in the background. Just listen to some of the pre-set Spotify playlists and the UK chart one to see what I mean. There are a few notable exceptions, though most of the good new music is not from the UK.
I think music has gone downhill ever since this annoying rock and roll fad that today's youth are listening to! It was bad enough when jazz and ragtime were invented but that young wippersnapper elvis presley and those beatles are turning kids from upright god fearing citizens into crazy delinquents injecting marijuana tablets and riding motorcycles!!!!
I think music is going downhill. I think the early 2000's and even earlier had better music. I think artists and songwriters are running out of ideas for songs.
I don't like it I feel like that they are rapidly running out of ideas,i don't like the lyrics to modern music and feel like there is way too much hip hop,I like 70s and 80s Rock and that music is what makes the majority of my iTunes list.
I don't like it I feel like that they are rapidly running out of ideas,i don't like the lyrics to modern music and feel like there is way too much hip hop,I like 70s and 80s Rock and that music is what makes the majority of my iTunes list.
That's cool. I like a lot of that same era as well. I even prefer 80s rap (Afrika Bambaataa, Kurtis Blow, Grandmaster Flash, Run DMC).
People say rap is dead and not as good as it was in the 80s-90s but i disagree. Kendrick Lamar's 'To Pimp A Butterfly' is one of the best albums that came out last year in any genre- it uses a lot of live instruments and has all these oldschool influences P-Funk, jazz, blues, soul, spoken word poetry, psychedelic rock etc. and lyrics that are actually meaningful and have motifs and tell a narrative that runs through the whole record. His last album before TPAB, 'Good Kid m.A.A.d city' is constructed like a film and I wish more mainstream hip-hop was like that instead of crap like "do the stanky leg, watch me whip, watch me nae-nae" etc.

I think people who think hip-hop is creatively bankrupt aren't looking in the right places, there are lots of underground hip-hop artists making great music right now, and I say this as someone who mostly listens to rock/metal/punk/alternative bands.
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Rap is crap.

I mean yeah I know the likes of Eminem can't help swearing because he has Tourette's, but rap in most cases is still offensive and full of F words.
Rap is crap.

I mean yeah I know the likes of Eminem can't help swearing because he has Tourette's, but rap in most cases is still offensive and full of F words.
My parents went through a bit of a mid-life crisis phase of listening to Eminem and other 'parental advisory' rap music about 15 years ago. Was more than a bit embarassing as they blared it out, even when we had visitors.
I pretty much stopped caring circa 1992-93... The 80s were iconic, some excellent stuff back then, as evident watching Top of the Pops on BBC 4 on a Thursday night.

Modern day Pop is all tone deaf teenagers who think they can sing, and crap "dance" tracks and Nightclub music.

Then again, I hark back to the days of the mid to late 70s/early 80s when crap dance tracks were all the rage, remember stuff like Agadoo, the Birdie song, Oops upside your head and the Locomotion? And don't even get me started on the "Hokey Cokey" and the Conga, and even worse, that "I am the Music Man" one, which embarrassingly I know the moves to *shudders*

And the dodgy dance music kind of came back in the mid 90s as I recall, remember all that pants "Euro-Dance" stuff?
Give me some Redgum and I'm happy. Sure, the broke up in '94, but I LOVE the fact that their music is about real life.

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