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What food or sauces do you really hate, but many love?

The title reads like a Reddit r/askreddit post.

Okay, on topic. I don't like Italian dressing or barbeque sauce, but exclusively when it is on chicken. Okay, I probably wouldn't like Italian dressing regardless, but still.
Two legs, two claws, and a distinct abdomen. That about covers the essentials.
Actually, no. Insects have 6+ legs, spiders have 8. Crabs/lobsters have 4 legs, 2 claw arms. Just like how wyverns are different from dragons in that wyverns have 2 legs, 2 wings, while dragons have 4 legs, 2 wings.
I respectfully disagree.

No problem. Many people love sweet potatoes. I don't. The purpose of this thread, as I understand it, is for people to express their food likes and dislikes. No one's taste buds are "wrong". They are just different and it's interesting to read what people think. :)
Cole slaw. To me, it is very bitter and cold, and I am not comfortable with the texture. I know lots of people like it, so I must be in the minority
Cole slaw. To me, it is very bitter and cold, and I am not comfortable with the texture. I know lots of people like it, so I must be in the minority
Try the luxury versions(when I can digest it I buy a vegan one that isn't low fat ) as governments encourage low fat eating acid replaces fat.
Most alcohols. There are a few beers that I like (Guinness, Newcastle, some of Sam Adams' Fall and Winter flavors), but even those I can only really enjoy in extreme moderation. Most beer just tastes awful though.
Wine, especially red wine. White's okay, but I still don't care much for it.
I do enjoy Bailey's in my coffee, though.

I really don't care for the taste and feel of alcohol though, but some people drink bottle after bottle of it.
Probably it would be shorter to list the things I actually do like:oops:

Most sauces and dressings, with the one exception for some reason being mustard. Can’t stand ketchup, mayonnaise, barbecue sauce, etc, etc.

There are also several popular combinations I don’t like, but I do like the components separately. Salted caramel. Mint and chocolate. Meat and bread (sandwiches, but I will eat some that don’t have meat, as long as I like the ingredients). Broccoli and cheese. Pretty much anything that’s sweet and savory/salty combined, with the exception of fruity flavors, such as jam, with butter. Also I will eat tomato sauce but can’t stand the diluted flavor it gets when cooked pasta soaks it up, so I eat the sauce separately from the pasta, with a spoon.

Can’t stand the slimy texture of cooked spinach, but I like it just fine raw. Cooked squash and mushrooms also get too slimy for me.

Sweet potatoes make me gag.

Not a fan of eggs by themselves, any style. Pair scrambled eggs with the right cheese and I might find them edible, but otherwise, no, thank you.

I’ve yet to find an alcoholic beverage I can stand.

Fruit/sweet flavors in tea.

Ground meat.

Seafood of any kind.

Not a fan of poultry, but I will put up with chicken.

I’m pretty indifferent about bacon, when it’s cooked so it’s entirely crispy. Can’t stand the feeling of chewing on fat, so I won’t eat it if it isn’t.

And plenty of other things that aren’t coming to mind right now.
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Pretty much any kind of food. The better question for me would be what foods do I really like. I think I may have ARFID because if there is nothing around that I find palatable, I WILL starve myself. When I was vegan, having such a strict preference actually helped me stay vegan.
Pretty much any kind of food. The better question for me would be what foods do I really like. I think I may have ARFID because if there is nothing around that I find palatable, I WILL starve myself. When I was vegan, having such a strict preference actually helped me stay vegan.

I had to look up ARFID. I probably would qualify, I too will simply not eat if I can’t find something palatable and take a bunch of nutritional supplements to stay something resembling healthy. I never went vegan, but was vegetarian for several years, it was pretty easy for me because I don’t like much meat anyway, but I had to start tolerating meat again due to malnutrition of some kind (not sure what, I was getting enough protein, but I felt so much better once I started eating meat on a regular basis again and now accept it as a necessity for me).
I don't like fudge of any kind. I don't like the texture, it's not as smooth as good chocolate. It's grainy and gross to me. Plus I don't like the word.
Also a ketchup hater here. Also don’t like mustard and only tolerate Mayo as a sauce (fine in tuna and potato salad in small quantities). Only beef I will eat is the very occasional burger. Can’t stand the texture of crumpets. Since Celiac diagnosis long given us on bread.
This reminds me. It's kind of a well known stereotype that autistic folk prefer only chicken tenders and fries. Well, the other day we made them homemade and it was so good!

We made oven fries, which were potatoes, drizzled lightly in olive oil and rosemary and salt.

Also we made oven fried chicken strips which were chicken breast strips dipped in egg and a mixture of flour, corn meal, salt, pepper, nutritional yeast, and lemon pepper, and then drizzled lightly with olive oil.

You bake both of them in separate long cake pans for 40 minutes at 350. Make sure and line the pans with parchment or foil, because the food will stick really bad to the pan. They come out so good and crispy, you wouldn't believe it!
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Cole slaw. To me, it is very bitter and cold, and I am not comfortable with the texture. I know lots of people like it, so I must be in the minority
I don't like it when people don't add sugar to their cole slaw. The vinegary cole slaw is gross.

Also, it's often off-putting to me if pasta salad tastes sour. A lot of people seem to like it that way, but I prefer more of a creamy pasta salad.
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I'm probably going to touch off a major storm here but what I cannot stand is coffee! Nor can I handle the smell of it while someone else drinks it.

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