Well-Known Member
Did therapy help at a young age?
Never had any.
Picky eater? Yes.
Trying to trick a child into eating something that triggers disgust or a gag reflex is counter productive.
It creates lack of trust and stress associated with meals.
If the child eats something. Buy it in bulk.
Options are overwhelming if the lack of trust has already been established.
I remember two options : eat or go hungry.
I chose the latter.
I didn’t waste away to nothing and die.
When young how did parents connect to you best?
Through an interest. When learning.
Favourite toy growing up?
Not sure I remember a single item.
Whatever I could explore at the time.
What would I change about how my parents raised me?
Never be afraid of doing things differently.
Step outside the box.
What advice would I give to other parents?
Enjoy the ride.
Stay open minded and be creative. This is like nothing you’ve ever done so ‘the norm’ is irrelevant.
Work with what you have and NOT what you wish you did.
This is reality, accept it.
Of course it’s hard work, whoever convinced you otherwise was probably lying to you.
No one has all of the answers.
One size does not fit all. That only applies to robots not human children.
If you’re paying attention and observing, you’ll know your child better than anyone else alive today,
- expect lots of opinions and advice from others,
- only choose that which YOU feel may work - based on your knowledge of your own child.
If something isn’t working, drop it - don’t force it.
There’s a reason it isn’t working and it’s probably you.
(Your understanding, approach, perception, goal)
Re examine where you are, where you want to be and try a different approach.
Stretch the truth but don’t lie to a child (in order to ‘manipulate’? Or achieve a desired outcome)
Once you’ve lost their trust, you’ll be screwed.
-when you reach that moment in time when you hear yourself saying “I can’t do this”
If it comes from a place where you feel you’re failing your child,
Know that you already have the ‘stuff’ it’s going to take to carry on.
Re examine your expectations.(of yourself)
If “I can’t do this” comes from a place of, ‘I don’t want to do this’ and you’d like someone else to take the responsibility of raising the child you chose to give birth to,
Get out,
Re enter.
That child didn’t ask to be born, you made the decision.
Zip up your man-suit and crack on.
Never had any.
Picky eater? Yes.
Trying to trick a child into eating something that triggers disgust or a gag reflex is counter productive.
It creates lack of trust and stress associated with meals.
If the child eats something. Buy it in bulk.
Options are overwhelming if the lack of trust has already been established.
I remember two options : eat or go hungry.
I chose the latter.
I didn’t waste away to nothing and die.
When young how did parents connect to you best?
Through an interest. When learning.
Favourite toy growing up?
Not sure I remember a single item.
Whatever I could explore at the time.
What would I change about how my parents raised me?
Never be afraid of doing things differently.
Step outside the box.
What advice would I give to other parents?
Enjoy the ride.
Stay open minded and be creative. This is like nothing you’ve ever done so ‘the norm’ is irrelevant.
Work with what you have and NOT what you wish you did.
This is reality, accept it.
Of course it’s hard work, whoever convinced you otherwise was probably lying to you.
No one has all of the answers.
One size does not fit all. That only applies to robots not human children.
If you’re paying attention and observing, you’ll know your child better than anyone else alive today,
- expect lots of opinions and advice from others,
- only choose that which YOU feel may work - based on your knowledge of your own child.
If something isn’t working, drop it - don’t force it.
There’s a reason it isn’t working and it’s probably you.
(Your understanding, approach, perception, goal)
Re examine where you are, where you want to be and try a different approach.
Stretch the truth but don’t lie to a child (in order to ‘manipulate’? Or achieve a desired outcome)
Once you’ve lost their trust, you’ll be screwed.
-when you reach that moment in time when you hear yourself saying “I can’t do this”
If it comes from a place where you feel you’re failing your child,
Know that you already have the ‘stuff’ it’s going to take to carry on.
Re examine your expectations.(of yourself)
If “I can’t do this” comes from a place of, ‘I don’t want to do this’ and you’d like someone else to take the responsibility of raising the child you chose to give birth to,
Get out,
Re enter.
That child didn’t ask to be born, you made the decision.
Zip up your man-suit and crack on.
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