Well-Known Member
Yeah, I've decided to be a self-sufficient hermit in the hills and give the middle finger to a world that in my lifetime (I'm 44) has become ever narrower in its definition of "worthy" members of society and ever broader in who is rejected.
I remember when a guy on SSI (disability pension in USA) could easily find an apartment, now nobody will rent to you because "the poor are all criminals" and "poor people trash apartments, they make hash and/or meth on the stove, they cause a ruckus, blah blah blah" and building managers don't look at you as a person but as "worthless poor trash".
There's a popular series of movies in the USA now that depict death squads massacring the poor with the blessing of the govt. The bourgeoisie have come to believe that the poor should be exterminated because they are the cause of their problems.
"Fitting in" here means that you are a billionaire hedge fund manager or technology superstar and you have all sorts of material things, houses around the world that you fly to in your private jet. If you don't have money you are trash. I plan to be far away from the cities when the death squads show up.
That is just horrible, if not downright disgusting. It is true that the 'modern humanitarian' society is fast becoming more hostile every single year. First the doctors would suggest to parents to abort any baby that isn't 100% 'normal', then this? It's just disgusting what people are rapidly becoming. Let those who think money will complete them, live with their money. Far be they from us.