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what imagination/thoughts do you think about?

Everything is loosely organized in my head and never always coherent, so a bit of everything. When I'm not engaged in thinking about one or two particular things my thoughts are almost scrambled. Lately I've been trying to imagine and concpetualize this one project I'd like to get started on: it's going to be a platform-slash-action game with ASCII characters as graphics. Due to me being lazy and still planning how I'm going to lay out the code, though, I haven't even got a starting point yet. I've already got a couple of working demos of the basic mechanics of the game if anyone's interested, or if not then I'm planning to upload them to my new channel on Youtube anyways (which I'll be updating here soon).
I've always loved to imagine being friends with my favorite fictional characters and all of us living together in a big house. Kind of like Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, except all of the imaginary friends are mine! :) (and they really are my imaginary friends - I talk to them when no one else is around, I imagine them going wherever I go, and I even listen to songs that remind me of them!)

On top of that, I also like to imagine the characters as pairings, especially if they're from different movies/shows. I especially enjoy it when I can pair off every character from one fandom and every character from another like it's Noah's Ark. :D
I can entertain myself with my imagination for hours ... As I love sci fi and fantasy a lot of the stories in my head are based around this. Especially stories involving dragons. I love that I can pause, rewind, rework, replay the stories in my head, visits the parts I like as many times as I like and play with it like a toy. Though if people saw what was in my head I would probably be off to the looney bin quick smart lol.

Have you read any of Anne McCaffrey's Dragon Rider books?
One of the places I go to in my head to get away from stressors is Pern. Of course I have a dragon!
Like Holly, I often visualize myself lounging alone in the beach. I'm good at multi-sensory visualization & I often use this as a strategy to get myself into a deep sleep when I first hit the bed or on those annoying nights when I keep waking up every couple of hours for no apparent reason. What I mean by multi-sensory, is that I can not only 'see' the beach around me, but feel the hammock gently rocking, hear the lapping waves, feel the sunlight & render the entire experience so real that it's freaky.

Like Biblio, some part of my brain seems to 'remember' being able to breathe water like a fish. It feels like I ought to be able to do this & it seems strange that my body has some defect that prevents it from functioning the way my brain expects. This is a little like the phantom limb experience of amputees. the conscious mind knows that the limb is no longer there & the eyes see that it is gone BUT the brain is still 'wired' to exchange info to & from the limb Believing it it still there. Maybe it is a 'fish memory' reptilian brain thing from early in our evolutionary development. We still carry with us our 'primitive brain': evolution just kept slapping new brain layers with fancy new functions over the old brain.

Sometimes, too, I've had very vivid dreams in which the animals I've shared this lifetime with communicate with me using speech. When I awaken, it seems strange that the animals have stopped using this skill or have forgotten how.

Before I have to go somewhere & so something, I try to visualize realistically, what situations I will encounter & imagine ways of reacting to & handling them. What will I say? What will I do? What range of facial expressions will I need to dredge up? Having some kind of a mental map has helped me navigate through many social situations that would otherwise be baffling.
It makes me wonder why God didn't make animals talk like people. Most people tell me they're creeped out by the thought of animals talking, but strangely I think it would be cool. I could talk to my dog for hours if that was the case :)
I have a whole intricate universe I sometimes retreat into (and even write original fiction on sometimes). Listening to music usually makes me go there whether I want to or not, so when I've got to do schoolwork or independent study work to do, I usually have to do it sans music.

Funny thing is, it's a fairly direct, matured descendant of my imaginings as a young lad. :P

I usually don't write fiction for anything but this universe.
IMO I'm not very good at making stories but I love making up characters and animals, going into details about the biology and behavior of fictional animals and coming up with characters for a fictional world that currently has no name, unfortunately i find it dificult making complex backstories for my characters and tend to focus on thier powers a little too much IMO but it's fun diversion. I also enjoy explaining, organizing, and pairing things and think about things like if there is a demonic anithesis to the angelic heirarchy and what each corresponding position would be called, how many classical elements there are and how they are arranged, how is magic different then psychic abilities, and generally try to arrange things into heirarchies. I also sometimes imagine what I would do if I had powers or was someone else and or was in a different situation. this is all alot less organized than i'm making it sound though
I've always loved to imagine being friends with my favorite fictional characters and all of us living together in a big house. Kind of like Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, except all of the imaginary friends are mine! :) (and they really are my imaginary friends - I talk to them when no one else is around, I imagine them going wherever I go, and I even listen to songs that remind me of them!)

On top of that, I also like to imagine the characters as pairings, especially if they're from different movies/shows. I especially enjoy it when I can pair off every character from one fandom and every character from another like it's Noah's Ark. :D

I honestly do something very similar, literally since I've been 8 I've been imagining my own little team of heroes traveling from cartoon/game/anime dimension to dimension fighting evil with the locals and inviting the strongest (or whoever I like) back to join the team. Amazing that at 22 I'm still doing it and have even made the narative more complex with two inter-dimensonal factions stuck in a struggle for power over the dimensions with most of the anime and fantasy stuck on one side and all the sci-fi and shooters stuck on the other. I played with pairings when I was younger but don't do it much now.
I like to imagine that I can travel through time and space, or that animals talk to me, or that I can breathe underwater.

I live to imagion time travel. i like to go into the past. Not to interested in going into the furure. 1950's is like one of my favorrites. Or I imagion takeing some certain modern day stuff back into the past , like mabey takeing a modern vehicle , some clothes, and whatever else into the 1800's, and showing the people there. and they are fascinated. and I leav it there in the past for them to use.
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In my past years I'd developed an "inner world" of sorts - an animated series I guess you could call it. It involved mostly anthropomorphic characters...I don't want to use that other term (and strangely enough, this was before I even knew that there was a fandom like this). Unfortunately, a bit like simplyme, I had difficulty arranging the plot into a coherent structure and would instead focus on one character at a time, one setting at a time, etc. I would have done it, but generally the more complex it gets, the more you have to keep track of to make it come across as engaging, which was my goal. Written on paper and/or brought to life, it would have come across as very underdeveloped and disorganized, which is why I really don't do storytelling anymore. Some things I just suck at, and this would be one of them, and that's one of those things that I just try to forget about and leave in the past.
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