I can't really answer the question because I'm not level 2 or a pshychologist.What I do know is that this new system is more organized than the older one and that's good but there also lies a problem.I think there are functioning levels within the official diagnoses functioning levels.Some people might be on the border of level 1 and level two or some may be on the border of level two and level 3.
I'm DX'ed level one,but I'd call myself about a 1 and a half,but definitely not 2,about 1 and a half.
Back when Donna Williams was alive,Temple Grandin said that she thought Williams was more severe than she was.I think both Williams and Grandin would be level 1's although Williams died before the new system,but Grandin thought Williams was more severe.There are a lot of grey areas to be aware of.
The world of physical disabilities is much clearer,in spinal injuries doctor's can tell what a person will or won't be able to do down to the centimeter just from X rays or MRI's right after the injury.There are no grey areas,a disabillty is known precise to the vertebrae where the injury occurred.
No MRI or Xray can see inside a neurological system there is surely a spectrum to be aware of within the diagnosable functioning levels.I'm not disrespecting the new 3 level system at all,I think it's good,but don't be naive to the grey areas in between.
I'm DX'ed level one,but I'd call myself about a 1 and a half,but definitely not 2,about 1 and a half.
Back when Donna Williams was alive,Temple Grandin said that she thought Williams was more severe than she was.I think both Williams and Grandin would be level 1's although Williams died before the new system,but Grandin thought Williams was more severe.There are a lot of grey areas to be aware of.
The world of physical disabilities is much clearer,in spinal injuries doctor's can tell what a person will or won't be able to do down to the centimeter just from X rays or MRI's right after the injury.There are no grey areas,a disabillty is known precise to the vertebrae where the injury occurred.
No MRI or Xray can see inside a neurological system there is surely a spectrum to be aware of within the diagnosable functioning levels.I'm not disrespecting the new 3 level system at all,I think it's good,but don't be naive to the grey areas in between.