The reason I ask these questions is
not to question your responses (everybody) but to take you through my thought process. I can give you my answer for what life is but it does not explain how I came to it. I am more than appreciative that you answer! Thank you! This is an important part of the process for me (see 9)
Some of my early definitions may be close to what you say here.
Here is how I build theoretical frameworks
1. I ask the question to myself
2. Come up with a theory
3. Do thought experiments to see if that theory is likely
4. If 3 shows the theory is unlikely... go to 2
5. If 3 shows it is likely do further thought experiments
6. If 5 shows it is likely... loop until it shows itself not to be likely then back to 2
7. If many many loops and alternate thought experiments show a theory to be very likely, start wrapping it in words.
8. Test every word definition and study the words that I wrapped around the theory (this process can take years)
9. Share it with other people and get thoughtful feedback (the hardest part)
10. Redefine as needed and if thoughtful feedback shows fallacy: go to 2
1-6 are almost entirely wordless in my brain.
Haha... I resemble that remark! I worked in a kitchen, lol. Also the gray rock thing has happened with many many people in my life. Especially exes! I have had some doozies... my fault though for not paying attention to the deep part of me that warns me about these things.
Well I am sure you have the same taste in the "opposite sex" as I do... Horrible! Luckily with the theories I am trying to describe here, I found someone like me and stopped using my "taste" to find people!
Also... talking about cells:
Yeah... aging is awful as the cells "
forget what they are supposed to be" I have hair growing, like, in all the wrong places now
Why do they have this instinct or behavior?
Why the urge?
Well... since I cannot believe in God (this is one reason I build theoretical frameworks) can you help me understand which God must exist?
Also can bacteria praise God? if they cannot, are they life?
The ocean and atmosphere exchange gases, are they life?
I think the definition of life is much simpler than this. I can do it in one sentence
Again... this is not to say your beliefs or definitions are wrong. It is more about taking you through my definition. God is not part of it, so if you are religious, this definition will disappoint you