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WHAT is the stupidest thing u can think of

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Drinking a warm/hot drink with enthusiasm,
mostly missing ones mouth and wearing beverage on front of clothing...

... standing statue still,
staring at the stain like it’s about to reveal the answer as to why that just happened.
Knowing the last thought or image in my head,
is where the ball I’m throwing for the dog will end up.

Yet just before release I still think, ‘don’t hit that window’ !
(Warning: If this offends you as much as it offended me, you'll understand why I have to get it off my chest - I actually read someone saying this in all seriousness)

"My psychiatrist said the only difference between a sociopath and an aspie is the aspie doesn't know when they're hurting you."

#epicfail #ignorance #burninhell
Warnings on tobacco products.

It’s a multi billion pound industry, how hard are they really going to try to dissuade smokers from lighting up?
Drinking a warm/hot drink with enthusiasm,
mostly missing ones mouth and wearing beverage on front of clothing...

... standing statue still,
staring at the stain like it’s about to reveal the answer as to why that just happened.

Kind of do the drink thing.

If you drop something - do you try to catch it before it hits the ground?

Took me a while but now I just let things fall.
I order my grocery shop online, and have it delivered each week.

When I was looking at new houses for a possible move, I thought I'd check out if they delivered to the new house.
They did.

I thought nothing more about it until my grocery shop was late that week.

I got a phone call "I'm directly outside your house."

I looked - he wasn't.

He was in a different country -outside the house I had been looking to buy.

If you drop something - do you try to catch it before it hits the ground?


Do that ‘cat-swipe’ catching thing.

Item bounces off one hand and then the other.
Continues in that way,
item getting lower and nearer to the ground each bounce.

In terms of ‘keepy- upsies ‘
4 swipes is my personal best. Before it hits the ground and breaks.
(As long as it isn’t a gearbox or grand piano I’m trying to catch)
Windows 10 telling me that a folder with music files no longer exists when I can see the folder and even play the files contained within it on my music player.
Earlier today I saw an online news report on how a growing number of people were putting their animals (I'm assuming meat-eaters like dogs and cats) on vegan diets, and they made it sound like they thought that was a good thing. I did NOT.:mad: and I replied how dogs and cats are supposed to be meat-eaters and it's very against their nature and that if we tried to make all the predator animals vegetarians it would be catastrophic. I haven't gone back yet to check the replies, I'm sure a number of people have personally attacked me in colorful language.
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I feel the same way when someone aggressively informs me I shouldn’t be eating meat and dairy either.

I’ve evolved with the dentition to tear and chew meat, the enzymes to break it all down and bodily systems that can put it all to good use with no issues or problems arising.

All natural things digest other natural things.
Canivorous plants exist.
People on YouTube claiming anyone or anything that's cringy in a video must be autistic. I just told this one troll that the first thing they need to learn about autism is to un-learn everything they've "learned" about autism.
Do many people feel an urge to swim in the same place as alligators?

Having a love-hate relationship with everything in my lifetime
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Wasn't there a verse in the bible that sad that the lion would eat of the straw someday? Of course, that would require a major overhaul of it whole gastrointestinal track, which I don't see happening any time soon.

Yes, Isaiah 65:25.

In actual fact, Lions do eat grass now, and back in history, before our Creator said to eat meat, every animal ate plants.

Nothing is too much for our Creator ( I assume you do have some sort of belief, since you mention something in the bible).
Anti nausea tablets say: warning, may cause nausea! o_O

But, in most medicines, says contrary to what the medicine is for.

By the way, prozac for aspergers device. Will just make it goes crazy and short circuit on you!
Windows 10 telling me that a folder with music files no longer exists when I can see the folder and even play the files contained within it on my music player.

Or, you get a problem with internet connection and go to help program and it says: to find out what is wrong with your internet connection, please connect to the internet connection. I mean: what the heck?!!!!
Warnings on tobacco products.

It’s a multi billion pound industry, how hard are they really going to try to dissuade smokers from lighting up?

In Canada the warnings on cigarettes are really creepy and graphic. But I heard that the US the warnings are kind of wimpy. In Canada there are photos of diseased lungs and brains. In the US the warnings are basically like "Ummm, the surgeon general says that smoking *may* be bad for your health, but, you know, we've been wrong before".:laughing:

But seriously, smoking is an awful addiction, both psychological and physical, and most people start to smoke when they're at the age where they firmly believe they're indestructible, and smoking doesn't usually kill you quickly. (unless you fall asleep while smoking)
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