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What is your dream job?

I want to be in the FBI *sigh*
That's my dream ... but I'm going to pursue being a forensic pathologist. I still get dreamy-eyed when I think of the second choice, but man, I wish I could find it in myself to pursue my Dream of All Dreams.

Maybe we can work together, haha.
I want to be in the FBI *sigh*
That's my dream ... but I'm going to pursue being a forensic pathologist. I still get dreamy-eyed when I think of the second choice, but man, I wish I could find it in myself to pursue my Dream of All Dreams.

I remember the two forensic pathology majors in my college dorm. We seldom ever saw them come up for air from their rooms. ALWAYS studying. ;)
The old axiom, do a job you love doing, and you'll never work a day in your life, unfortunately doesn't hold water for me, as almost everything I ever tried to do has blown up in my face. I wanted so badly to be a music teacher, but could never figure out why I was always denied the opportunity.
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I want to be an artist. I want to have the time to get lost in my work. There's that money problem though. Sigh.
I want to be an artist. I want to have the time to get lost in my work. There's that money problem though. Sigh.

Seems to be my problem as well...

Life gets in the way, lol.

But then again, according to some people it might be debateable what other use I might have other than keeping busy with anything "artsy".
my dream job would be for Nasa or the Canadian space agency for Engineer and invent stuff but i don't have the right classes and i no one would heir a 19 year old who can think outside the box and can't fully show his skills so im going for mealright and welder truw apprentice just cuzz is easy and cheaper
World's oldest profession for me: Hunter-gatherer. Preferably without the hunting part. Throw in some small-scale agriculture.
Before I sort of ruined my body I was going to medical school for Pulmonology (oriented towards cystic fibrosis, mainly). Then came the disillusionment with the medical field (at least in New Jersey/Philadelphia) which was followed by having to finally face the fact the strain on my body would be too much.
I next thought of virology, another area I'm interested in and excel in (focus was emergent diseases.) Even then, the demand was enough that I was ending up in the ER too often needing potassium or whatever other kind of IV (plus the occasional iron infusions.)

So, after a year or two of thinking it all through? Linguistics! Thanks to being a grown 'third culture kid' I'm multilingual and languages come easy. It's not only that but the intricacies of language and things like philology have always competed with the sciences. Before I babble on, I'll end this with the area I'm interested in. Old Norse (and its later offshoots) and Old English/Anglo-Saxon.
^ Really cool! I personally prefer the Latin variants, and the Sinitic languages though~

But dream job used to be a doctor, but I'm working on a degree related diplomacy and politics atm ...

Now I sort of wished I was a writer too :/
The old axiom, do a job you love doing, and you'll never work a day in your life, unfortunately doesn't hold water for me, as almost everything I ever tried to do has blown up in my face. I wanted so badly to be a music teacher, but could never figure out why I was always denied the opportunity.
Maybe "do a job you love and you'll never work a day in your life" has a very literal meaning? In other words, try a job you love and you won't be employed? (won't have work):P
Actually... the idea of being a taxidermist comes to mind once in a while.

That might be something I'd be interested in doing I guess. Though I'd probably still want to make it art, rather than doing regular taxidermy. The idea of taxidermy probably comes from seeing some work of Lisa Black. I knew a guy who did some small time taxidermy with mice and all. He did it all at home. The issue with the chemicals and probably the smell makes it so I couldn't try it out at my current residence. I'd need a workshop for it... and that might be a problem now (and perhaps even in the future, unless I find a way to get wealthy quick and able to invest in such a workshop.

I'm quite sure I'd do better with anything dead than living, no matter if it's humans or animals. As a child I'd sometimes join my grandfather to his job at a funeral home... I always enjoyed that.
King Oni: I always wanted to be either a medical examiner (have to be a doctor first, though) or a mortician, but the latter job is mainly family oriented. You have any interesting stories that happened in the funeral home?

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