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What is your earliest memory?

How early in life do you remember?

  • Birth

    Votes: 4 6.7%
  • 2-3 years old

    Votes: 35 58.3%
  • later than three years

    Votes: 21 35.0%

  • Total voters
I can remember things and events from the house we only lived in until I was three. While we didn't move on my third birthday, I'm assuming some of these happened before I was three. Some of them my mother confirmed are correct, such as the colours of the walls, and others couldn't possibly come from any other source other than memory.

Amazingly, I remembered a broken bench discarded in a wooded ravine, I drove back there 20 years later and it was still there. Things don't move fast in that town.
I remember the apartment we lived in that we moved out of when I was three months old. And I remember a car we had that my parents got rid of when I was still an infant.
First memory comes before i was five. Darkness then evil tree monsters. At five i saw the real world for the first time. I got off a bed and walked into the hallway of a house. An older woman was there. I knew her and spoke to her. Though i wasnt sure how i knew these words or her. I had just woken up. Whoever i was in knew these things and said them. At first it was like being an intruder in another persons body. After that i took over. Though i often wondered who was running it begore me? Aside from that memory i had no experience or memory of this world.
First memory comes before i was five. Darkness then evil tree monsters. At five i saw the real world for the first time. I got off a bed and walked into the hallway of a house. An older woman was there. I knew her and spoke to her. Though i wasnt sure how i knew these words or her. I had just woken up. Whoever i was in knew these things and said them. At first it was like being an intruder in another persons body. After that i took over. Though i often wondered who was running it begore me? Aside from that memory i had no experience or memory of this world.
Do you think you could have been a walk-in?
I know what it is like to be in another persons body and know things they know and see.
Were you accepted by the woman or the family that you woke up to?
Did they know you as if nothing were different from before you took over?

What were the evil tree monsters and did they seem to be of this planet or some other place that
perhaps you are remembering before the take over of a body experience?

I ask so much because I have a degree in metaphysics and this is the stuff of interest.
I remember as far back when I was 1 years of age. I had my first birthday cake and ate with my bare hands and had cake all over my face, my older sister copied me but they got mad at her for copying me lol good times.
My most pleasant memory was when I was an infant a few months old and the daily ritual of
being held in my Mom's arm while she rocked in our big rocking chair.
She sang hymns to me and I played with her long black hair with my right hand and sucked my thumb
on my left hand.
I think i have some faint memories after child birth being delivered c section saw doctors with masks and shower caps and tossing my ass into an incubator however did not remember my circumcision thank goodness i was probably sedated then but always saw the doctors and nurses as jerks.
Do you think you could have been a walk-in?
I know what it is like to be in another persons body and know things they know and see.
Were you accepted by the woman or the family that you woke up to?
Did they know you as if nothing were different from before you took over?

What were the evil tree monsters and did they seem to be of this planet or some other place that
perhaps you are remembering before the take over of a body experience?

I ask so much because I have a degree in metaphysics and this is the stuff of interest.
Yes they did accept me. Or rather had already accepted the person that was here before i came to be. Explaining that situation before to them was a none starter. I couldn't explain it so they could understand. And yes they act like nothing changed. Thats the real micker actually. I had no idea what a tree was. The knowledge was just there. As for the monsters they were unfriendly. That much i knew. I didn't really have a concept of place. They were there and unfriendly. Thats all i knew. As for your last question. Yes. That hits the mark exactly.
I am an autie and I remember back to the age of about a year and a half. Nothing earlier than that.

I didn't vote in the poll because none of the options represented how far back I can remember.
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Prior to
I am an autie and I remember back to about a year and a half. Nothing earlier than that.

I didn't vote in the poll because none of the options represented how far back I can remember.
the first year its cloudy get bits and pieces at most.
I remember at age 2 and age 3 running naked laughing and not know what cloths were good for and my parents chasing me and clothing me lol. I was a handful the wild child, it was funny lol age 4 i remember having an obsession with holes and dropped dominos in the air conditioner making the station wagon break down in a desert on the way back from Yellowstone. At Yellowstone i remember the rotton egg smell of sulphur.
Pretty far back, around 2-3 years of age (voted in the poll). Here's a few:

I remember attempting to climb out of my crib once. Felt like hanging off the edge of the Grand Canyon, quite the rush for a developing toddler. I don't remember exactly if I succeeded or not since it's becoming a blur now.

Remember going to the clinic downtown back in 1990 to get tested for ASD. I recall the fish tank, fiddling with the toys (a playset with wooden beads, like this) and a hearing test to rule out some stuff. Yes, I heard the tone if you were wondering; no, I didn't care about the big scary man beside me. That settled it for them.

Remember being pulled from a trench at a local botanic garden, which was literally feet away from a freeway entry ramp. Being the feral child I was, I decided to take the first opportunity and go off on my own path, and being yanked from there did not please me at all. Threw an epic fit about that, but then if I had made it through there...
The early ones are all in pictures - moving house at 17 months, arriving at the new house, dad parking the car next to a garage at the back of the house.
Being frightened of a midwife coming to listen to my sister wriggling in my mum's belly (my sister was born when I was 22 months old) - it was the old-fashioned funnel shaped stethoscope which caught my attention, and I had no words for the device: I had something of an "aha" moment when I first saw one of these again some 20 years later...
Holding my little sister for the first time just after she was born - there are photos of this, but I can remember being shown her and being allowed to "hold" her.
Whenever I am with my parents and sister, they're constantly amazed at the things I remember - they've told me for some of these things they have no memories at all, but others come back when I talk about them...and at a 30 year reunion of some of my school friends, I was the only one who could name the entire class, in alphabetical order of surnames. We each had a registration number and the way the teachers took the register was to have us repeat our numbers, and I'd memorised the order.
Short term memory not as good, and learning style definitely more visual than verbal :D .
I remember sneaking to the tv and watching terminator at the age of 3 when i wasnt supposed to since it was rated R but still saw the terminator getting crushed in the plant scene, it was cool.
My first memories are from when I was 2, although the details are a bit of a blur. Or they may actually be from when I was 1 - I was talking before I turned 2. I actually have memories of sleeping in a crib.

It’s been mentioned that people on the spectrum tend to remember earlier in their lives than neurotypicals do. I think that may be true. Last weekend at the program for people with learning disabilities that I attend, a participant asked if we remember when we were 3. I said yes, but the staff person we were talking with said no - she said she didn’t remember anything from before she was 5.
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I remember being four years old and my parents taking me to the movie theatre for the first time to see the film Thomas and the Magic Railroad because I loved Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends as a kid. I remember being scared of the villain of the movie, Diesel 10, and telling my dad 'I have to go to the bathroom' during some of his scenes as an excuse so I wouldn't have to see him as much lol.

I didn't see the whole film until I got it on video for Christmas later that year.

There is also the possibility that me getting my Nintendo 64 at four years old was my actual earliest memory because, while I do remember getting it, I don't remember if I got it for my fourth birthday or for Christmas. If it was a birthday present, that's my earliest memory since I was born in late June and TATMR didn't come out to theaters until late July here in the US, but if it was a Christmas present, then seeing TATMR in theatres is my earliest memory.
I think the earliest was laying on my Dad's lap and swapping smiles. Then he suddenly put me on the couch and rushed from the room. Much later, I asked mother if I'd peed on him, and, not recalling the incident, she suggested he had heard a distant telephone ring.
Another very early memory was probably assisted by seeing the scene in a home movie. I crawled off a blanket and encountered dew on the grass for the first time.
I used to wander away from home regularly when I was around 5. Just liked exploring and it was in the day when kids were safe running around the neighborhood. Once, I took my German Shepherdl down the road and saw what I thought was a castle. I wanted to see what was going on in the castle. So I took the dog and hid under a gigantic bush to watch. It was a convent! Pretty soon a bunch of nuns came out in their habits. They seemed very old and with the habits I was certain they were witches. I was paralyzed. Pretty soon my dog disappeared. He knew his way all over the neighborhood. I kid you not: the dog went home, and brought my mother back to the bush where I was hiding. My mother took me the next day to meet the nuns and they actually were very nice. One of them became my piano teacher.
I was 4 and I was looking in my parents' and I found my 5th birthday cake in their beddroom. I liked the colour but I found it messy in design.

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