I couldn't find a thread about childhood stimming, so I'm posting here.
My son has a new habit: tearing papers and making little... not sure how to describe them... paper toy to fidget with, sort of like a little flag. I try to explain to him that not all the papers can be torn, some papers are important to other people. I think he gets it, but sometimes just can't help himself.
At 1st it was a little frustrated but then I remembered. When I was a kid I had a metal lamp, sometimes I would take some play-dough, wait until the lam becomes hot and melt play-dough on it. My parents told me many times to stop doing it. but I just couldn't help myself. Eventually they gave up. I stopped melting the play-dough eventually, because I felt it's not a very good habit and that I ended up ruining the lamp. It happened when I was already a teenager
My son has a new habit: tearing papers and making little... not sure how to describe them... paper toy to fidget with, sort of like a little flag. I try to explain to him that not all the papers can be torn, some papers are important to other people. I think he gets it, but sometimes just can't help himself.
At 1st it was a little frustrated but then I remembered. When I was a kid I had a metal lamp, sometimes I would take some play-dough, wait until the lam becomes hot and melt play-dough on it. My parents told me many times to stop doing it. but I just couldn't help myself. Eventually they gave up. I stopped melting the play-dough eventually, because I felt it's not a very good habit and that I ended up ruining the lamp. It happened when I was already a teenager