Ooh, series 3! Your avatar is making me want to re-watch 1 and 2. When I was younger I read ALL the Sherlock Holmes books. That was a graduation from Encyclopedia Brown, hehe.
Until reading this thread I really didn't think I had any stims, because I didn't see myself rocking or hand flapping. However, reading all these examples makes me realize I'm doing some thing or other all day long, hmmm....pressing my fingers hard onto surfaces, straightening my fingers, tapping or slapping rhythms, running my tongue over my front teeth, needing to say the 'b' or 'p' sound over and over, and other things. When I was a kid I would scrunch my upper lip to touch my nose, and excessively bite and my lips and cheeks, smell a book whenever I opened it, etc. Oh, and smell my hand - until somebody noticed it at a family gathering. Talk about mortification!
I've noticed my son smelling his hand. But he also has this need to press his toenails and fingernails down (with the other hand or foot), especially when he has to just sit somewhere. He can't give me any reason for doing it, so I wonder if that's a stim, too.