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What Obsessions Do You Have?

Yes. I am very obsessed with computers and Internet. I'm addicted. I have been like this since I was around age eleven and I am now twenty.
Whilst I have been obsessed with computers, I have also had my other regular changing obsessions, such as history and computer games.
I think my obsessions are quite masculine.
Guys, this doesn't pertain to you.
So yeeer. Most Aspie girls I know aren't interested in computers and stuff.
Actually, I don't know any girl who's interested to the extent I am in computers and stuff.
One girl I got on with who had AS was interested in politics and philosophy and conspiracy theories, I was interested in them too, but not in maths, computers and science. The former obsessions seem to be ones you find in girls who have AS and the latter seem to be ones you find in males.
I'm just wondering if anyone else is interested in computers, maths or science?
I know a couple of people in the spectrum who are female and say they're interested in computers... but I confuse them with-in two minutes of talking about them.
I actually really do want to talk to a female who's interested in computers like me. I've NEVER met one.
Every person I talk to about computers on the spectrum(and off) is a guy :/.
There was one girl on Facebook from school, but she still got a bit confused :/. And I don't want to talk to her irl, and I did once and she lol'd at me :S.
Actually, the one who was interested in politics and philosophy and conspiracy theories wanted to be a virologist. So IDK about that one.
IDK any females interested in science tbh, or maths really. I was trying to teach on my female friends binary but they went offline randomly. Then one of my male friends was extremely interested and wanted me to teach him other numeric systems.
Sorry for poor conduction of post.
People say that AS girls are like philosophers and AS guys are like professors. IMO, I'm a bit of both. TBH though, I never really conformed to either gender. I feel a bit genderless actually.

your in luck i'm an aspie female who loves computers and i'm fairly good with fixing minor things, and really good with facebook and natural when it comes to web design i just have to mess around at first and then it just kinda clicks in my brain that i know how to do things however if someone had a question and asked me i have to be siting infront of the computer myself before i can tell you the steps on what to do .
Why are Aspie girls into complex interests? Why not stick to something simple like... computers? :lol:

Astrology, Numerology, Philosophy, Metaphysics, Quantum Physics... my brain is fried.

Oh and i'm into politics too. B)

woot woot for computers that is what i like and my laptop goes wherever i go most of the time.
i like Astrology and photography.

as far as numbers and science and all of that i do not understand them :/
I like computers too! I've made a few websites and fixed (or at least helped fix) some problems. I've had to help my mom put links in text before too. Screencapping is wonderful also. I take tons of screencaps and store the funny ones in a huge collage file in Microsoft Paint. I'm always adding to it and some of the recent pictures are set apart from the others, so I dunno if it'll ever be finished. XD
Other than that, my biggest obsession is Disney. I started watching the movies when I was twelve and have been hooked ever since. Mickey Mouse has been my favorite character since 2008; he's just so adorable, plus he has a lot of qualities that I admire, like optimism. I also love astronomy, but that obsession has died down a little over the past year as we have a lot of bad weather where I live that makes it hard to pursue and discourages me. I fail at math so astronomy is pretty casual for me; I like astronomy mostly for looking at what's out there.
I also like reading things about housekeeping, medical things and psychology.

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