I’ve gotten to the point long ago where I really don’t interact with anyone except immediate family in person (no job so no coworkers, no longer going to school so no classmates, not even usually with cashiers because I still live with my parents and they do all the shopping), so that alleviates most of the social aspects for me.
Presently I’d say sensory issues. I have major issues with feeling even remotely damp, so I hate heat and humidity since they make me sweat (or make the very air feel damp). I loathe the transitions from dry to wet or wet to dry - once I’ve been in water for a while I get used to it and am okay with it, but I have a heck of a time getting in and out. Both baths and showers are sensory nightmares for me. I can’t stand the sound of all the cicadas in late summer even when I’m indoors (outdoors, if you’re talking to someone even right next to you, if it’s within the few hours of their active period, you literally have to shout in order to be heard over the racket, I wouldn’t be surprised if they actually are loud enough to cause hearing damage), even wearing my noise-cancelling headphones indoors doesn’t completely cancel out the noise, just makes it irritating instead of downright painful. I also can’t stand the feel of wind, only can tolerate a bit of a gentle breeze but can’t take my dog for a walk if it’s too windy out (I do my best to tolerate it if he needs to go potty, but it’s just “do your business and then come back inside,” not a full-on walk). Usually when we go to places like stores or restaurants I shut down at least to some extent, though nowadays my service dog makes it not quite as bad as it used to be. And tied to the sensory stuff, I can’t “tune out” any sort of “background noise” and sometimes just trying to play a mindless game on my iPad while two other people are having a conversation, or someone is trying to talk to me but the TV, fan, and air conditioning are on is enough to send me into a meltdown. And I oftentimes can’t even use earplugs or noise-cancelling headphones if anyone else at all is around, and sometimes even when they aren’t, or I get really, really antsy because hearing is the primary sense I use to monitor my environment, so I start to panic if I don’t have full hearing.