L Musgrove
New Member
If I see someone seeming to be or to be just feeling excluded in a group, or just new to a group, I'm the first one to reach out to them and help them feel included. Same if I see someone struggling to participate in a group conversation. I'll focus on them and ask them questions to help them participate. Similarly, if I notice someone's work is not being recognized, I give them recognition in front of the group.*
I probably do this because I have experienced so much exclusion that I know what it feels like.
*In the past year, I've learned a lot about NT group hierarchy rules and have a theory that one reason I get myself hated and pushed out of groups is doing this sort of thing—daring to elevate the efforts of someone who is supped to be *lower* in the group rather than exclusively praising the work of those who are "higher" according to the unspoken rules of hierarchy.
I probably do this because I have experienced so much exclusion that I know what it feels like.
*In the past year, I've learned a lot about NT group hierarchy rules and have a theory that one reason I get myself hated and pushed out of groups is doing this sort of thing—daring to elevate the efforts of someone who is supped to be *lower* in the group rather than exclusively praising the work of those who are "higher" according to the unspoken rules of hierarchy.