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What song are you listening to right now?

The first blockbuster by the Killers. I am sure some of us can relate to this. The opening chord progression certainly gets your attention and you are hooked into the story of romantic betrayal. Who of us coming out of our cage had it easy?

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Cheap trick a song meant for us Aspies, have not heard it for years loved the song before I meet my wife "I want you to want me" great song.
Been listening to a lot of Randy Rhoades and Ozzy. Randy was exceptional. And Ozzy understood the human condition.
"How many times have they filled me with rhymes and I listened again? Twisting the truth and playing around with my head, OK! But they don't even know what they're talking about...and I can't imagine what empty heads can achieve!" -
"You can't kill rock and roll"

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