Something Like Kites - Work for your dream album. It is inspirational and just pain good music, and it's free. he's celebrating the release of his fourth album. The following is from the artist and, shared with permission. Click the link to listen or download the album. (No I was not asked to post this, I love the album and asked permission to share it here. Legalities demand I include the copyright information.) The photo mentioned is on the Facebook page for Something Like Kites. I did not include it to save space in this post.
I could go on about this artist but, I'll let his music and, his own words speak for him. He is the sort of artist the world needs more of. (Not the first of his music he has given away as a thank you to fans and, an invitation to new listeners.) When he say he believes in you, he means it, he believes everyone can reach their potential if they have the right inspiration.
If you like the music, please do as he asks and share it someplace.
*My disclaimer: This is not an attempt to promote Something Like Kites. I have no professional association with this artist. I am a fan, same as any fan. I receive nothing for sharing his work. I share it now because I think it is a great album and, I think many here will find inspiration in his music.*
What have you done lately to get yourself closer to your goals and dreams in life?
I get so many people asking me daily how I am where I am, that they hate their job, body or what they're studying in school.
Every day I get to wake up with hundreds of messages and tweets like the one above telling me how much they love my music and how I've inspired them. Well i wanted to write you to give you my key and tips on how to wake up everyday living your dream.
So many people tell me what their dream is, but when I've asked them what have they done lately to get themselves closer to it, they always tell me some reason why they can't or why they're scared they'd fail.
This is me being honest; failure is only to yourself, how about thinking of it another way;
'' I didn't fail, I just found a way that didn't work'' My 4th album is currently out but it took me 3 albums before to get to where I am. Those first albums allowed me to figure out what works.
Some people only try once, or attempt their dreams for a day and give up.
Making our dreams happen takes CONSISTENCY: doing a bit every day towards our goals and dreams no matter what they are. Start today doing one thing towards what you want in life. I believe in you.
I've decided to give back offering you my 4th album ''Work For Your Dreams'' Completely FREE to download right now with no strings attached, i just want to give back since you've given me my dreams. Just see the photo above what fans are saying

Just go to the link here:
It will bring you to the album download page, and then you click the Free download button and it will send the album to you to download

All I ask is you give back and send that link to your friends on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, E-email and however you can! What do you think?
Copyright © 2015 Something like Kites, All rights reserved.
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Something like Kites
Sherbrooke, Quebec -