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What song are you listening to right now?

Here is a favorite song and wonderfully early video of them. No one could ever classify them, but I think they where a significant part of the change in music that occurred in the 70's. One of the pathfinders that broke away from classic rock and prog.

Thanks for posting that, Tom. That was great. I'm imagining how amazing it would have been to have been there at the time and to have seen something like that live.
I love watching this because the music flows through his body and it's an example of unabashed abandon. Ian Curtis of Joy Division had a similar abandon in the way he danced to music on stage.

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I love watching this because the music flows through his body and it's an example of unabashed abandon. Ian Curtis of Joy Division had a similar abandon in the way he danced to music on stage.

I loved Leon Russel's cool stage presence, in such contrast here to Cocker's crazy twitching. :D But Cocker had such a great voice.

Leon Russel & The Allman Bros was my first concert and date. :)
id-like-to-sing-a-little-song-about-a-guy-i-ate (2).webp

Ok, that has nothing to do with the song. :D

I loved Leon Russel's cool stage presence, in such contrast here to Cocker's crazy twitching. :D But Cocker had such a great voice.

Leon Russel & The Allman Bros was my first concert and date. :)

What a great first concert to have gone to, Tom.

Aside from musical shows like "Up With People" which dates me, I think my first concert was Sammy Hagar with Krokus opening.
What a great first concert to have gone to, Tom.

Aside from musical shows like "Up With People" which dates me, I think my first concert was Sammy Hagar with Krokus opening.

Lol, I saw that show in the 90's. And it's still going. My sister just mentioned the other day how they had hosted some cast when the show was in their area for a few years running. The cast doesn't stay in hotels but is put up in people's houses. The group name does seem dated though. I can't imagine it today. It would probably be something more like Die People Die!

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