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What theme are you doing for halloween?

Perhaps you can bring it to Oz.
I had a woman knock on my door one afternoon, 8 year old boy in tow, when I was living in Darwin. Trick or treat.

Darwin was a pretty rough and ready town back then with a high itinerant population and I was very typical of the people that lived there, a 30 year old teenager. A hard drinking drug abusing party boy. The only thing in the house I had that was appropriate to give a child was an apple.

I spent about 15 minutes explaining to the mother that what she was doing was unfair to the local residents and also unfair to her child. The kid was more likely to receive home made beers and an assortment of different drugs than a snickers.
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There must be another big unwritten rule in Nevada. That no one, adult or child knocks on the doors of apartments. That you only find trick-or-treaters in residential areas with single-family homes.

Consequently in the 15 years I've been here, I've never had anyone knock on my door at Halloween.

At least I can still play the part of a grumpy old man. That I like. :cool:

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