I'm a bit out of the know when it comes to the current lot of animated entertainment. I wasn't aware this was happening, but it makes sense in a world of social media memes, GIFs, reels, etc. 10-15 seconds of entertainment, swipe, another 10-15 seconds, swipe, and so on. Parents just letting the electronic devices be entertainment for even the youngest of children. It's frankly, appalling. What are we doing to their little brains?
As an educator at the university-level, we too have had to adapt. Students that years ago, might be able to sit and be attentive for 30-45 minutes, is down to around 10-15 minutes. How myself and my colleagues design our lectures and labs has had to change in order to maintain their attention so they can learn.
It has even began to creep into things like driving a car where distracted drivers are now accounting for the majority of auto accidents, and now there is a push for robo-taxis and autonomous vehicles just to keep people safe on the road.
YouTube and other similar platforms are popular because information can be delivered in short little "bite-sized" pieces.
At work, the QI project I am working on that involves staff, again, every week I put out a small, bite-sized bit of information. Why? Because the staff will not sit down for 10-15 minutes and view a mandatory education video and be able to retain the information.
It's a sad situation that is effecting every aspect of our lives.