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What was one of your most cringe worthy lines?

so I was in health and social class, this was during like a rlly emo period in my life, where I was sad. In class we were talking about mental health, and me being camhs I said, "my emotions and mental health are like the ocean, they go up and down"....yh that was a bit edgy..and the whole class stared at me cringed out..
Ugh, I can relate to this as well. In 7th grade, we had to tell facts about ourself and I told my class that my brain had a chemical imbalance...still cringe when I think of the look on my teacher's face haha.
Lots of times for sure, and I like to think my inability to recall any specific examples is due to my healthy optimism. Oh crap, did I just offend everyone on this thread....? Guys, what I meant to say was- oh, you've gone...
If the only time that you open your mouth is just to change feet,
you might be an Aspie.
yuh, always express mild opinions, not strong ones and avoid expressing any opinion if possible, they're always baiting us with their provocations.
Lets change tack, what are some useful speech tactics people know for provocative/inappropriate statements...

'I don't know, what do you think?'

I've personally found this one work a LOT!

then there's mm, that's interesting or mm not sure, hadn't really thought about it etc etc

It's 'demur' how do you demur?
This world is not a world where you can express yourself strongly, if you need to do that, you do it through 'art' or 'music'. In conventional speech you need to hide your true feelings and reactions, well, if you want to fit in.
I can't rememeber anything specific because I don't think I ever said anything ridiculous but it was always the way I said it because I will sometimes have problems forming sentences and subconsciously with the right timing of saying said thing. It makes for the most cringe worthy experiences of my life and I feel so degraded by it.
@Pieceofmind, one of the reasons I started this thread is because we all say things that leave us feeling a little humilated by our own behavior. If we can laugh at ourselves sometimes, it makes us feel better and puts our foibles into perspective.
Rest assured we are the only ones who remember these lines! The rest if the world goes on, too self absorbed to remember.

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