Oh yikes! I have memories of that! Actually, I had a series of very distressing nightmares about Mr Noseybonk! I mean who the funky heck designed him and thought "yes, yes that's it, this character won't traumatise small children at all.."Shows how far we've come. At least Fingermouse looks somewhat endearing despite the cheap nature of the program.
It wasn't absolutely horrifying like this character from Jigsaw, where his regular face already looks freaky but then it also looks like this puppet's nostrils are a second set of eyes - which make the lower half of his face resemble a skull:
In the dream he was like some kind of Slender Man character.
I mean, c'mon! That's not a fun whimsical character, he looks like some sort of THC fuelled, Pink Floyd inspired, Lovecraftian fever dream!