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Yep, all of that - me too.Cursive handwriting
Breast stroke
Friendship groups
Nobody can breathe under water. It's physically impossible (unless you're a fish).Same goes for swimming. I can kind of dog paddle now but still can't swim under water with my eyes open and able to breathe under water like other people can.
Nobody can breathe under water. It's physically impossible (unless you're a fish).
Oh I see lol.It's the breath holding and breathing technique people have for swimming under water, something about breathing out air though the nose while under,
Thanks for clarifying.
Look cool; Have lots of friendsThrow a ball accurately, or catch one reliably.
Look cool.
Have lots of friends.
ASD & IQ are independent of each other; that is, ASD does not promise a high IQ, but you are probably very knowledgeable of your special interests, if you have one.I wasn't the brightest kid at school, which is why I doubt my diagnosis.
I've never even been knowledgeable of my interests. When I was 12 I developed an obsession with Spanish and really wanted to learn the language but no matter how hard I tried I just couldn't remember it, even though I was so obsessed. I was obsessed with Spain too but couldn't retain much information about it. In the end I found myself losing interest because of the frustration of not knowing how to be very knowledgeable about it.ASD & IQ are independent of each other; that is, ASD does not promise a high IQ, but you are probably very knowledgeable of your special interests, if you have one.
I am in Mensa, but had a C average in high school because of daydreaming and drawing, instead of doing homework....while I often say there daydreaming and just wanting to play or draw.