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What would happen to me if i only eat apples?

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I don`t remember who said this but someone said: "Everything is poisonous if it has been consumed enough". Or something like this. Hopefully you got my point. I heard that one man died for drinking too much water during his life. That`s one good example that even something so harmless thing like water can kill if you have drank enough of it. So, I`m pretty sure that eating only apples will kill you eventually. So don`t try it.
I think that rule means in a short period rather than in the long term.
Obv. if you have like 200 apples in the space of like 24 hours something bad's gonna happen but if you have x amount in a longer period it wouldn't.
I doubt that x amount of apples in your entire life will eventually kill you regardless of the time between each one.
If you get me?
My thought process is weird today.
I had a science teacher my freshman year in high school, who told us a story of what happened to his daughter who ate nothing but certain kinds of vegetables. The result, apparently, was that she was in fact lacking some vitamins and that her skin turned orange. o.0 She stopped behind a vegetarian after that. So, you know what? I think I will just continue eating the way I do now... that is, a bit of everything. Your body needs a wide spectrum of things in order to survive healthily. As someone mentioned above, there are foods such as coconuts that people have survived on for years. These are essentially super foods, and include onions and bananas too. But even these are not perfect and still lack a lot of things the body needs. Definitely not something I would recommend unless you were put in a position where you had to.

And besides... I have heard that if you eat nothing but apples, you will start having urges to buy Apple products. You wouldn't want that, would you? :P I had to do that lame joke since no one else did...
Generally, if you eat 30 of anything your gonna get fat.
If you ate 30 apples on top of your normal daily food intake, you would likely get fat.

I've followed the "cabbage soup diet" a few times over the years, often I will suggest it when people at work are discussing the idea of doing a diet together or whatever. I find it really easy to follow, you wake up in the morning and know that you are going to eat. The thing is that the more bowls of cabbage soup you eat, the more weight you lose - seriously. If you eat 30 heads of cabbage per day you would probably have a lot of problems, but gaining weight would not be one of them.
If you ate 30 apples on top of your normal daily food intake, you would likely get fat.

I've followed the "cabbage soup diet" a few times over the years, often I will suggest it when people at work are discussing the idea of doing a diet together or whatever. I find it really easy to follow, you wake up in the morning and know that you are going to eat. The thing is that the more bowls of cabbage soup you eat, the more weight you lose - seriously. If you eat 30 heads of cabbage per day you would probably have a lot of problems, but gaining weight would not be one of them.
It's not healthy. Seriously not healthy. The body needs variety.
Like was mentioned above. I'm guessing that would be way too much sugar and it may eventually lead to diabetes.

But look on the bright side. You will never need to take a laxative.
Like was mentioned above. I'm guessing that would be way too much sugar and it may eventually lead to diabetes.

But look on the bright side. You will never need to take a laxative.
No complete protein, no fat, no (insert names of most vitamins and minerals). Eventual death.

But on the bright side, current research shows that sugar might not lead to diabetes after all.
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