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What’d you score on the Autistic Quotient test?

Why not?

My AQ is down there in my footer.

Because she says that I'm "too warm" to be Autistic (I've learnt to mask quite well and, well, yes, I'm a warm person, but that doesn't mean I'm socially comfortable, I'm, generally, not). And she says that everything I describe, as my indicators, can be attributed to trauma, because, I am also diagnosed with ptsd, and she is a trauma specialist and not an autism specialist.

She hasn't met my, obviously, Autistic dad and Autistic son, and wasn't even interested that it runs in my family. So frustrating.

I will have to go and see someone else and I hate going out and doing appointments. I have bad executive functioning and always have and I can't even drive a car and I'm 46.
I got 39.

What's this mask thing?

Pretending, basically.
Acting in ways that don't feel natural to you, in order to "fit in."

Answering "Fine, thanks. How are you?" in response to the question
"How are you?"

Instead of responding with a detailed account of your health or
existential position.....etc.
I don't remember. It's in my signature. So I'll post, read it, then edit my post.

Edit: I got 44
Wasn't there some sort of controversy surrounding Simon Baron-Cohen, the scientist who devised this test? Something about his theories being a little left-field?
I scored within the autistic range but only just. I'm not surprised that it was so close because I, like other posters have mentioned, mask. The way I've changed to fit in is all interwoven with my personality now.
Did anyone who scored high have trouble answering the questions? My bf, who has lots of traits, had trouble answering some of the questions, saying they were too general or "it depends"; whereas I found it easy. It seemed he had trouble working out what some of the questions were actually getting at.

I scored 10.
Did anyone who scored high have trouble answering the questions? My bf, who has lots of traits, had trouble answering some of the questions, saying they were too general or "it depends"; whereas I found it easy. It seemed he had trouble working out what some of the questions were actually getting at.

I scored 10.
Yes. For example, there's a question that asks whether you would prefer to go to the theatre or to a museum. Depends what theatre and what museum! Or the question about whether you like to read fiction or non-fiction. Yes and no - I do read non-fiction, but only sci fi or sometimes fantasy/advemture, not other genres.
Yes. For example, there's a question that asks whether you would prefer to go to the theatre or to a museum. Depends what theatre and what museum! Or the question about whether you like to read fiction or non-fiction. Yes and no - I do read non-fiction, but only sci fi or sometimes fantasy/advemture, not other genres.

Too funny. The museum and theatre, as well as the book question, stumped my bf too. I could see him scrunch up his face while he was trying to process it. Ultimately, he complained that too many of the questions depended on the situation and were too vague. He needed examples. Regardless, he said it didn't matter because he recognizes he has traits of ASD and the important thing is to know oneself better.
To all of those referencing the Museum vs theature question as an example of one of the difficulties with this test - I wholeheartedly agree. It stumped me and in the end I just had to pick one :P
Did anyone who scored high have trouble answering the questions? My bf, who has lots of traits, had trouble answering some of the questions, saying they were too general or "it depends"; whereas I found it easy. It seemed he had trouble working out what some of the questions were actually getting at.

I scored 10.

I mentioned earlier in this thread some of my issues with the questions, but my issues are by no means just limited to those. For example:

"I am not very good at remembering phone numbers" First of all, the use of "very" as an adverb here is improper. Secondly, being good or bad at something like this is subjective. If I say I'm good at remembering phone numbers, that could mean I know my own phone number. Then presented with a list of phone numbers it turns out that I'm not good at remembering them in the least. Two people with a wide gap in their telephone number remembering abilities could answer the question in a conflicting spirit of the test.

Or it could be asking if I'm actually the Rainman? Hard to tell with such a vague criteria.

"I am often the last to understand the point of a joke." Huh? How could I possibly have enough information to answer this question?

"I don't usually notice small changes in a situation or a person's appearance" If I didn't notice...........It is nearly impossible to prove a negative for the same reason it's hard to answer a question with a negation.

This isn't to say that all the questions are so ambiguous. Some can be answered by direct experience. But there are so many that bother my need for precision.

Then there's the fact that they give you 4 options but the test is scored as if there are only 2. Pick either of the two on the right side you get the same point and the same is true if you pick either on the left. So why have the 4 options?
I mentioned earlier in this thread some of my issues with the questions, but my issues are by no means just limited to those. For example:

"I am not very good at remembering phone numbers" First of all, the use of "very" as an adverb here is improper. Secondly, being good or bad at something like this is subjective. If I say I'm good at remembering phone numbers, that could mean I know my own phone number. Then presented with a list of phone numbers it turns out that I'm not good at remembering them in the least. Two people with a wide gap in their telephone number remembering abilities could answer the question in a conflicting spirit of the test.

Or it could be asking if I'm actually the Rainman? Hard to tell with such a vague criteria.

"I am often the last to understand the point of a joke." Huh? How could I possibly have enough information to answer this question?

"I don't usually notice small changes in a situation or a person's appearance" If I didn't notice...........It is nearly impossible to prove a negative for the same reason it's hard to answer a question with a negation.

This isn't to say that all the questions are so ambiguous. Some can be answered by direct experience. But there are so many that bother my need for precision.

Then there's the fact that they give you 4 options but the test is scored as if there are only 2. Pick either of the two on the right side you get the same point and the same is true if you pick either on the left. So why have the 4 options?

I love your response and the explanations for why certain questions didn't make sense. It fascinates me how people's brains can work so differently. Even though I didn't hesitate with these questions, I completely understand what you say here.
My scores vary from 25 to 32 because I'm unsure about some questions. 25 is "no autism" and 32 means "strongly likelyhood to have autism", so zhis test dosen't tell me anything.

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