Yes, I've been there too. It's heartbreaking when not only do other people find something you're longing for but can't be a part of, they also stop hanging out with you.
I don't know what changes so much that suddenly being single means you can't be invited. I don't understand.
That's the worst thing. The losing friends because their lives change so much, but you're still in the same place.
I handled that by moving to the city. There are new people coming and going from my church every year and I've met loads of new people that way. Unfortunately, they move back home when their visa expires, but WhatsApp is good for keeping in touch. And now I have people in other countries to go and visit.
I can relate so much! I've never had a relationship and don't have many friends (despite my best efforts). I live with my parents and wish to find love / be more social.