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"NYC" is the abbreviation for the widely acclaimed group
known as Nerds Yodeling Cleverly, according to a recent
press release in an unreliable news source.
Professional assistance is available to you, free of charge, providing that you can stand on your head, holding your breath, while juggling live hand grenades and sea lions, throughout the process.
Fruits and Vegetables played Hide and Seek in the
kitchen, at night, when no one was awake, except
for the Cat and the Mouse, and neither of them
were tattletales, so the secret was safe.
Minute particles of the pizza speckled the chef's beard,
to the amusement and disgust of many of the servers
who talked among themselves that it was lucky the chef
stayed in the kitchen and wasn't viewed by the customers.
Street signs are a social construct. I personally self-identify as a one way gravel avenue, with a roundabout feature, near a slough and three mini-marts.

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