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Homes made of wood and glass, on a hilltop surrounded by redwood, sycamore and birch trees, overlooking the ocean, in Northern CA, or, somewhere in the pacific Northwest, depict what I dream of building for myself, at some point in the future, should I be so fortunate
Fortunate events can be helped along somewhat by having a good attitude and by working towards them, and has anybody seen my pulpit?
Pulpit originated from the Latin pulpitum, and is used by a preacher of Christian religion, according to Wikipedia
Pages of books, are what I read, exclusively, as opposed to digital means of reading books
Books are so wonderful, so many reasons, like alternative universes and time travel through means of printed page and imagination, and then there is the smell of paper and binding, books, how do I love thee, let me count the ways...
Ways and Means Committees review & make recommendations for the operating budgets of agencies.

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