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Water intake is a tricky thing. Most Physicians say you need a minimum of eight glasses of water, per day. But newer research, over the past couple of decades, seems to point towards a much larger number.

Doctors are now saying that you need to take your weight, and divide it by two. That number is how many ounces of water you need in a day.

It can be quite a lot for many people. But that's what your kidneys need to achieve optimum wellness! Rather than feeling like it's an impossible challenge, it's better to see that amount of water per day, as a goal to slowly strive towards.
Diseases are often symptoms of a debilitated system. Build up the body with supplements, herbs, nutrition, exercise, optimism, and prayer, and you can cure many of the ailments that plague you.
Boring, Oregon is a small town dotted with forested buttes. Each one, an extinct volcano. They were caused by magma boring its way underground in tubes, and causing some of the land to buckle.

This first video is educational

This second video is funny


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