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What's on your "Bucket List"?

Mr Allen

Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member

What's on your "Bucket List" of things you need to have done before they cart you off to a Funeral Home and don't bring you back?

Here's a few of mine.

1: Win enough money on the National Lottery to live comfortably having come off the benefit system.

2: Get a well paid job in either Retail or IT.

3: Attend WWE Wrestle Mania in any US or Canadian venue, or even in the extremely unlikely event they ever hold it in London, England.

4: Call Theresa May a numpty to her face (and probably get arrested by her hordes of bodyguards)

5: Take my nephew and niece to Disney World or Land in either Paris, France or Florida, USA.

6: Travel to New York and see if that thing they do on TV where they shout "Taxi!" and one comes, actually works.

7: Travel to Australia and visit the Neighbours set and meet the stars, especially some of the women.

8: Attend an Autism conference in Northern Ireland like I did in May 2003.

9: Get as high ranked as I can in Taekwondo.
Have Tom Hardy scrubbed and sent to my room :D

Become the official photographer for the Royal Marine Commando charity calendar.
(Think ‘Calendar Girls’ -film, only with Marines instead of The W.I)

Remember all of the birthdays and special days of my extended family and give gifts.
(We’re into the sixth month of the year and I’m doing well :)

Island hop using the ferries around the west and highlands of Scotland.

Get a job I like (for longer than 5 years) :)
Why is a bucket list called a bucket list??

I don't have a bucket list. Just to survive and stay healthy for as long as possible, to be at peace with myself, and to help others do the same.
Why is a bucket list called a bucket list??

I agree... Its weird. I think it should be call a LIVING LIST... Maybe I just have issues with the finality of my end... I'm not ready for that yet. I got a lot of living left to do and a lot better quality of living left to do.

What's on your "Bucket List" of things you need to have done before they cart you off to a Funeral Home and don't bring you back?

Here's a few of mine.

1: Win enough money on the National Lottery to live comfortably having come off the benefit system.

2: Get a well paid job in either Retail or IT.

3: Attend WWE Wrestle Mania in any US or Canadian venue, or even in the extremely unlikely event they ever hold it in London, England.

4: Call Theresa May a numpty to her face (and probably get arrested by her hordes of bodyguards)

5: Take my nephew and niece to Disney World or Land in either Paris, France or Florida, USA.

6: Travel to New York and see if that thing they do on TV where they shout "Taxi!" and one comes, actually works.

7: Travel to Australia and visit the Neighbours set and meet the stars, especially some of the women.

8: Attend an Autism conference in Northern Ireland like I did in May 2003.

9: Get as high ranked as I can in Taekwondo.

So this would be my LIFE LIST or Bucket List...

Write a story for the ages, a story that grabs humility and shakes it.
Visit the Canadian side of my family, see where my grandparents (on that side of may family were from).
Go to Moab Jeep Festival
Possibly go to Burning Man
Sail the South Pacific
Go on a camping trip that lasts a year or more
Build my cabin in the mountains of Oregon Coast, or outside Vancouver (heading toward Whistler)
Do something with my life that leaves behind proof that a guy with ASD is no less than anyone else
Go drink Ayahuasca with an experienced wise old Shaman
Meditate with the Monks in Tibet
Swim with dolphins (again)
Sleep in a Redwood tree
Get extremely brave and skydive, or base jump with a squirrel suit and record it
Spend a week at Mauna Kea Observatory (MKO), Hawaii and look deep into space
Find a good piece of Fulgurite (petrified Lighting) while on the beach
Chase a falling star and find it (I have tried this many times... Stupid but it amazes me)
Leave a bunch of lottery tickets in GEO CASHE hiding spots for someone to find
Go on a deep sea ship wreck expedition
Go on a real life treasure hunt
Learn as much as I can to activate as much of my mental ability possible
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See and walk through all the rain forests in the world. (So far only three)
Canoe as far I can through the summer into the northern part of canada.
Visit parts of newfoundland by ferry.
Go on a long distance cycling trip that lasts for two months or more.
Hike the entire Appalachian trail that I've only done part of.
Live in a remote artists colony in the desert.
I don't have much for a bucket list.
I want to be able to walk and exercise without pain
again, too. @LucyPurrs
Somehow get enough money to find my little Hobbit house in the woods by a lake and just live in peace with nature, tending my flowers and have a pet iguana.

Beyond that I would have to win the lottery to do the one thing I really want: See Machu Picchu.
And if I won that lottery, maybe make my Hobbit house in the country I would really love to live in: New Zealand.

Chase a falling star and find it (I have tried this many times... Stupid but it amazes me)

@Chance I've done it!
I always chased them too, but, it is incredible how one came to me when I lived at the edge of Tampa Bay with my Mom in her mobile home in 2005.
One night my parents were out behind the house walking next to the water around 11pm when something whizzed past them and hit the ground about 100 feet away.
I wasn't with them, but, when they returned from walking they told me what happened.
There was nothing but a grassy knoll and trees out back and I knew what it was from their description.
It glowed green, they said as it went by.
I found it in the ground not far from the water's edge.
Had to wait for it to cool down a few days, then I got it.
It was a really good sized core piece. Heavy, hard and solid.
And talk about bucket list...I plan to put it by my cremation bench that is made of black marble.
I'll take a photo of it for you.
I agree... Its weird. I think it should be call a LIVING LIST... Maybe I just have issues with the finality of my end... I'm not ready for that yet. I got a lot of living left to do and a lot better quality of living left to do
Totally agree. It's all about making the most of your life while you've got it.
Visit traditionnal japan
Go to a snowy country during its winter
Play ff7 remake
Learn some languages and other non work skill like drawing cocking etc.
Get a life basically, a simple one, job , family.

But getting my act together and starting to do some sports again would be nice as a starting point kek.
I don't have much for a bucket list.
I want to be able to walk and exercise without pain
again, too. @LucyPurrs
Somehow get enough money to find my little Hobbit house in the woods by a lake and just live in peace with nature, tending my flowers and have a pet iguana.

Beyond that I would have to win the lottery to do the one thing I really want: See Machu Picchu.
And if I won that lottery, maybe make my Hobbit house in the country I would really love to live in: New Zealand.

@Chance I've done it!
I always chased them too, but, it is incredible how one came to me when I lived at the edge of Tampa Bay with my Mom in her mobile home in 2005.
One night my parents were out behind the house walking next to the water around 11pm when something whizzed past them and hit the ground about 100 feet away.
I wasn't with them, but, when they returned from walking they told me what happened.
There was nothing but a grassy knoll and trees out back and I knew what it was from their description.
It glowed green, they said as it went by.
I found it in the ground not far from the water's edge.
Had to wait for it to cool down a few days, then I got it.
It was a really good sized core piece. Heavy, hard and solid.
And talk about bucket list...I plan to put it by my cremation bench that is made of black marble.
I'll take a photo of it for you.

Dang Susan, that is so cool that you actually found a falling star- I never knew that was even possible! Hope you do take a photo and post it- I'd love to see it too!
Dang Susan, that is so cool that you actually found a falling star- I never knew that was even possible! Hope you do take a photo and post it- I'd love to see it too!
They are just meteors and when they
LeanneBDand 012.JPG
fall are called meteorites. The above photo is of two small shards of one I found in a field.
I haven't been home much Sunday and forgot to get the photo of the one that fell behind the house. Hopefully today.
A large meteorite is rare because they usually fall into many small pieces upon impact or burn up in the atmosphere.
Much depends on the material of the core piece.
I also have some of the liquid drops from the huge one that fell to Earth and made meteor crator in AZ, like a molten rain before it struck. We called them Apache Tears out there.
LeanneBDand 015.JPG

The liquid drops when cooled make a black glassy piece like Obsidian.
They are just meteors and when theyView attachment 44428 fall are called meteorites. The above photo is of two small shards of one I found in a field.
I haven't been home much Sunday and forgot to get the photo of the one that fell behind the house. Hopefully today.
A large meteorite is rare because they usually fall into many small pieces upon impact or burn up in the atmosphere.
Much depends on the material of the core piece.
I also have some of the liquid drops from the huge one that fell to Earth and made meteor crator in AZ, like a molten rain before it struck. We called them Apache Tears out there.View attachment 44429
The liquid drops when cooled make a black glassy piece like Obsidian.

Wow how cool! Thanks so much for the info and the pics.

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