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What's the thing with the numbers and dates questions?

I've never even looked at one of them. My experience with neurotypical medical practitioners and other assorted "experts" I've dealt with over the years leads me to believe they probably won't be all that helpful.
I'm good at remembering names and birthdays but bad at remembering phone numbers and car registration plates. You've only got to tell me your name and birthday once and I'll remember it, but I can't even remember my own phone number nor my husband's car registration plate.
I like the Japanese system and I used it a lot in programming because it also stacks alphabetically in my file browser when I have many versions of the same file. In that system the 5th of march 2024 would be an 8 digit number - 20240305
This is the system we've used in every research group I've been a part of. If you don't order things this way, it makes it a huge pain to find specific files. Some projects can run over a decade.

My ex is a math savant (and mathematician), and she will never forget a date. She once mentioned how many people have their birthday at a specific time, and then she just kept tallying numerous people who had their birthday each day going both ways from the start date until she had covered the entire month, and then kept going. I would have been fine with it, except that she didn't understand how unusal it is, and would get very annoyed with me when I couldn't remember certain dates. She even knows all of my family members' birthdays even though I have no clue about most of them.​
22 follows me around everywhere l go. Right now, there is a garage parking space in the back of my home with 22. Sure, it's just coincidence, but it happens alot.
My autistic nephew has an amazing ability to remember everyone's birthday and can tell you what day of the week you were born on if he knows your day, month and year of birth. His brain computes numbers with amazing speed and includes leap years in his calculations.

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