Just a lot of anger, a verbal tirade, shouting out two female persons, then they went away, one came back , someone in a flash car, I recognize , so I open door, 3 "goons" at door. Lot of animosity. Aimed at a male by the car. I'm still pretty angry. So I'm very defiant, and unafraid, But it's an ambush. I sense a sinister undercurrent. I try to diffuse, shake "goons" hands. They leave. Just as I shut door, one pulls a Uzi on me. I end up turning it around, and shooting guy , no remorse. I'm glad even. I'm like you try to kill me, I kill you first. But I start to panic, realize I've got a dead body on my doorstep, I better get out of here. Just a very belligerent dream.
Earlier in the dream, It was night, a Park, I got into a Limo, and guy was like giving me gold coins, and I was like tempted to compromise my values to be mercenary, and rough somebody up, be a "goon." And now 3 'mercenaries' come at me.
Normally If I kill somebody, it's a monster, a creature. Very rare to kill another human. BTW the 3 guys, were black. I don't know if that means; I want to kill the thugness, or those values, in me, ( ya know, A ruthless kind of mentality,..as so often depicted and glorified nowadays in rap music...it's really a sick culture, and that's not racist, that's reality, look at the deathtoll, the culture of death it promotes, but that's another story. )
Cause they were basically stick up guys, ya know street criminals, hired goons.
Normally Black people, don't appear in my dreams, maybe as celebrities. I was once lectured by 50 cent. I forgot what he said, maybe, "Get rich or die tryin"...who the hell knows.
It's like, part of me want to be a "better person." (I suppose altruistic.) But another part of me is very....'Nihilistic, (selfish' even.) Atleast that's my interpretation.
and i picked each one up with disgust and laid them on my bed.
I read this last sentence first. Things that make you go....hmmm
My dreams can either be; action violence, adventure, horror, sci-fi fantasy, romance, or triple x. Or just everyday mundane routine. It really is a spectrum. I think how you act in a dream, is the real you, devoid of any social niceties, masking. There a little peek in to my twisted imagination. The dream you, I believe is your raw psychic process, it's the realest you , there is. And I can be brutally honest with people, in waking life, If I want to. Of course It's much easier if you're anonymous.