I've always identified as bisexual because I can be attracted to males and females. In regards to pansexuality, I haven't really given attraction to other gender identities much thought, so perhaps "pansexual" would be more acurate. At the moment, sexuality isn't an important enough part of my life for me to fret over labels. Whatever happens, happens.
This reminds me, something I forgot to mention is that while I have and can become attracted to males, I'm generally more likely to be attracted to females, purely because I very rarely come across other males whom I get along well with. With the majority of males, it seems like there's always some level of macho competition going on - something I can't understand or relate to at all.
I expect men to behave badly and it is much harder for them to win my trust although I do have male friends. I find the male competition thing silly and consider macho men laughable rather than threatening. I feel no sexual attraction toward other men.
This reminds me, something I forgot to mention is that while I have and can become attracted to males, I'm generally more likely to be attracted to females, purely because I very rarely come across other males whom I get along well with. With the majority of males, it seems like there's always some level of macho competition going on - something I can't understand or relate to at all.
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