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When conversations don't go as planned

You did it. You helped me figure out my mom. This pretty much describes any conversations with my mom. I hold my breath and say something and then step back to see if the shitakki fan is on and if the shitakki is going to fly right back and hit me and cause me to hyperventilate. It sorta depends on her moods. And l now don't go out of my way to seek her company. This causes me to be a tab fearful in my dealings with her. She is quick to wrongly judge me.

Sounds like she has a wrongly preconceived notion of who you are & reacts to what she thinks "that" person means instead of what you mean. I'm sorry she does this. It's not kind. & it's such a hard cycle to break out of. I wish you success & peace in your situation.
Usually when one tries to correct, things go sideways, specially with a person like that.
Also go silent and most of the time just turn around and walk away. Apparently doing as such is considered very rude

Indeed, I believe that going silent or especially walking away is rude, however, the level of rudeness is less than the anger inflicted by the escalating misunderstanding.

I feel this so much...
@Suzette , you were right, Iodine is one of the most important nutrients a woman can get. It is a vital ally against graves disease, fibrocystic breasts, endometriosis, etc.

You don't want to ingest the topical, synthetic iodine that kills germs on wounds, but Lugolls Iodorol is such a lovely supplement, and yes, you can test to see if you need it by rubbing a bit on your abdomen. The synthetic, highly toxic, topical Povidine is man made, from nasty things that can harm the human body, but natural Iodine comes from kelp and seawater, and every cell in your body craves it. The type of iodine in iodized salt, and in many cheap supplements is kind of bad for you, as it's not well absorbed by the body. But if one can't afford a natural, kelp-sourced iodine supplement, it's good enough.

It sounds like your friend knows only about allopathic medicine. There's a whole natural world of holistic medicine that works in harmony with the human body, and many of the rules are in opposition with Westernized Medicine.


On your original subject, I was just mentioning this very thing to another person earlier this week.

When asked a direct question, I often start stuttering and fighting through a very limited spoken word bank to try to create a sentence that makes just a little sense. But it usually makes me sound like a liar and a fool. I hate it.

When I write, ideas often flow, but speaking, especially when faced with a direct spoken question, even if they ask it in a friendly conversation, my mind goes blank, and I nearly go back to nonverbal. Sometimes I can't even speak at all.
Is eating fish regularly enough? Or do I need to take supplements? Because I'm suffering from both. I know this is an old post but it would be kind if you could answer :)
Shrimp has a bit of iodine. 3 oz provides 23% of the daily recommended intake. Sources high in Iodine are Oysters, Snapper, and seaweed, like Nori. Do not eat a lot of the top predators like Tuna and Swordfish as they concentrate mercury. I save Ahi for an occasional treat. And, do not overlook iodized salt. I use kosher salt in pickling and fermenting, but in in other cooking I use iodized salt.

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