Au Naturel
Au Naturel
Pesticides have nothing to do with it. We are vastly more careful in the US about pesticide use than we once were. Silent Spring and the environmental movement achieved an awful lot. We live in a much cleaner environment than when I was young.Some really good responses and info above.
Just to add my opinion, I think pesticides are one of the main prime suspects for the initial creation of the genetic variations that result in autism. Once you have them you can pass them down but that does not explain any increase as far as percent of population - if you accept early studies determining that those on the spectrum have fewer children statistically then NTs.
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In this theory, increase in autism cases would roughly follow pesticide use. I should add that the typical scenerio expressed in this theory is that it is your mother's exposure to pesticide that causes the changes/variations.
As pesticide use differs significantly from one country to the next you might expect to see this reflected in the statistics but this is hampered greatly by the difference in diagnosis criteria (or even diagnosing at all) in countries. This is an interesting list of counties listing their pesticide use, not by tonnage but by the density of use (ie how many kilos of pesticide per hectare, etc).
Pesticide use by country
The US is one of the lower users of pesticides. By those numbers, China should be buried in autistic children. they use 5-6 times as much per acre as the US.