Feathered Jester
I would say I'm a mix of Vulcan and Klingon, with healthy helping of Talaxian, and a dash of Bajoran. I have a lot of love and respect for Data, but I have little to none of his sweetness or naivety, although possibly his cruelty when Lore's screwing with his head.
I've never had the pleasure of meeting Spock outside of Next Generation, so I'd say I can strongly relate to Tuvok instead. Technically, him and Neelix both. I am a people pleaser, I love to cook and make people happy, but I definitely have my Tuvok "you are being irrational, illogical, and I am a grumpy-pants" Vulcan side (Vulcans always seem so grumpy), and I very much have my Worf "that is not honorable and now I will beat you into oblivion" Klingon side. Oh, and I have a touch of Bajoran, because I didn't have morning sickness, I instead sneezed incessantly.
If very minor characters are allowed, I also feel very much like Brenna O'Donnell from the Next Generation episode where they find the Irish and clone colonies. I feel like I'm managing every last little bloody thing there is in this family and having to strong-arm nearly everybody into doing their job, minus some of the yelling. Or my judgment on that could be a wee bit clouded since that is my favorite episode hands down and I watch it often just to giggle.
I've never had the pleasure of meeting Spock outside of Next Generation, so I'd say I can strongly relate to Tuvok instead. Technically, him and Neelix both. I am a people pleaser, I love to cook and make people happy, but I definitely have my Tuvok "you are being irrational, illogical, and I am a grumpy-pants" Vulcan side (Vulcans always seem so grumpy), and I very much have my Worf "that is not honorable and now I will beat you into oblivion" Klingon side. Oh, and I have a touch of Bajoran, because I didn't have morning sickness, I instead sneezed incessantly.
If very minor characters are allowed, I also feel very much like Brenna O'Donnell from the Next Generation episode where they find the Irish and clone colonies. I feel like I'm managing every last little bloody thing there is in this family and having to strong-arm nearly everybody into doing their job, minus some of the yelling. Or my judgment on that could be a wee bit clouded since that is my favorite episode hands down and I watch it often just to giggle.