Hooray! a group of people that agree on NOT BREEDING! Holy lord, do we need humans to be like this in general!
The problem is too many of you who are smart, are choosing to not have kids which unfortunately means the idiots are over populating the world
i did not want kids.
i have one kid by myself, and lucky for me she is pretty mellow. Either that or i am really good at basic parenting. I do not have a want or need to be married and give half of my household decision making to someone else plus all the other issues that come along with it.
not logical to me.
i can tollarate other kids if i have to (my friend has a son that she plays with and is good when visiting) but for the most part i dont care for other peoples kids or other people.
i dont hate people (k maybe a little bit, sue me) they just annoy,and confuse the hell out of me, and most of thw time i think other parents just outright suck and i disagree with their stupid points of views more often than ever.
i dont care to stand around and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk, i am very involved on the playground and just dont give a crap about chatting. The playground is time for being a parent.
i really hate seeing a large group of grazing sows on their cell phones texting while their kids are being completely ignored.
once i had to help a kid get down from a playground bridge because his stupid mom and her annoying friends were too self absorbed to even acknowledge him asking for help.
it amazes the **** out of me.
When you have kids it opens up a new level of hatred towards humans.
one i did not have until i had a child.
Dont do it.