(okay I'll bite)
What!? We're not supposed to procreate. That's why we're made socially inept (and some aspies are typically disgusted by sex). We're just workhorses, tools, for the neurotypicals (you know how humans are tool making/using creatures). Only humanity needs to learn how to use us properly.
Have you missed how it's always the most charismatic person who's the leader? You kind of need good social skills for that.
Might be that it's more a seperate branching from humanity, not a replacement species, and aspies should only procreate with other aspies, in order to keep the blood pure. I see Chris is doing that nicely, so good job there brother!
We will build our own society! In the middle of the ocean, and we shall name it Atlantis!
And reign supreme with superior technology!
Okay, this is just silly. I'm just a 'weakblood' aspie anyway.
Even though many like to pretend it is, but having sex and procreating by bunches, passing on the best genes isn't really how our 'natural selection' works anymore. If that were the case, the third world countries would have superseded the rest of humanity quite a while ago.
Sex is fun, procreation is nice. But not the most important things in the world. Which is why I turned down sex before when I was 17, not because I was disgusted by it, but because it didn't make sense. And in retrospect, she was a polish camp slut, probably was ridden with STDs.
And now, 5 years later, I'm still a virgin. Go me.