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Who is Harvey Weinstein and Why Should I Care?

Wow. Everything I never knew about someone I never heard of.
Sounds like he's a good example of a lot of people in powerful positions though.
Wonder what his favourite position was? hmmm
There's an interesting atricle,and long,viewing this from a business point of view.
How the internet is destroying the casting couch ie the power of people like Harvey

Goodbye gatekeepers

I’d be remiss in not stating the obvious: Harvey Weinstein is a despicable human being, who did evil things. It’s worth noting, though, the structure of Hollywood that made it possible for him to do so much evil with such frequency for so long.

The Structure of Hollywood

There has always been a large “supply” of movie actors, directors, script writers, etc.; Los Angeles is famous for being a city of transplants, particularly young men and women eager to make a go of it in show business, certain their breakthrough opportunity is the next audition, the next script, the next movie pitch.
Meanwhile, Carla Bruni, 90s supermodel and trophy wife to former French president Nicolas Sarkozy, has lately been busy claiming in interviews that "the fashion industry is very healthy, unlike Hollywood."
Because nothing says "respect" like a bunch of skinny 15 year olds in barely-there clothing walking on a podium to sell clothes and being given, in the best case, alcohol to keep up with the demands... it's really just dignified cattle in shiny outfits.

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