Not at all. It’s a great conversation. I had intended to frame the topic with my own examples, but should have seen the direction it would go, having used my own spiritual fervor as a possible example of autistic fervor.
You view the filling of the Spirit as a critical inflection point, and it is all of that. They say every teacher and preacher has a hobby horse, and this was mine to ride. Many people who consider themselves Christians (or testify that they used to be Christians) have no experience of the Spirit living within them, don’t really have a feel for what you’re talking about, like maybe it’s some sort of theoretical construct or an analogy. But Paul made the distinction by saying that, if you do not have the Holy Spirit, you do not belong to God.
I was always quick to go a step further. If you believe these things in the Bible, then you must understand the concept of spiritual gifts. I think it’s a basic responsibility to discover and develop your own spiritual gift/gifts.
I recently read an admin say that you ‘definitely’ don’t want to be seen as telling people what to believe. While that is doubtless true in Forumworld, and is doubtless enforceable in this sphere, it obviously flies in the face of the spiritual truths revealed in the Bible. I spent twenty years in front of people who wanted help unraveling these things, so I have a real adjustment to make. I suppose we’re safe talking about it here. It does my heart good to witness your intensity on the topic.
I am passionate about this, because i lived it, i know how it is, is hard to describe, but i could say that like in the bible in pentecost, when they were waiting for the Holy spirit, and received him, we need that too, they were already believers, they were already their spirit alive with God, the disciples were born again already, i didin't meant to say christians that are not filled are not christians. Anyway i can't add much more to this, I just wish every christian could get this, because is a big blessing.