And if you wish to attract a female, you need to bring some swag. Look nice, smell good, attractive hair style, this will increase your odds. It's like having a great resume vs a crappy resume. A good resume gets you in the door for the interview. A bad resume just gets tossed, no interview.
By the way, resume is a very recent news for me too. Because, as I mentioned, I spent most of my time going from school to school. I started applying to real jobs only recently. And, as I discussed in my introductory post, I lost the teaching job just for being unprepared a few times, even though most of my other times went well. That reminds me of girls who reject me just based off of few things. So, apparently, the dynamics I was complaining about in dating, also applies to jobs, I was just unaware of it. Also, just like in dating the girl wouldn't say no but instead make polite excuses, in job they were that way too. They never actually kicked me out. They were just taking things away step by step until they took everything away. Kinda reminds me of dating. And, incidentally, both male and female employers collaborated in that process of making things hard for me, so apparently it has nothing to do with the gender either.
But, going back to the resume question. So my mom's friend decided to help me find a job. So she asked me to email my resume to one of her friends. He looked over it, and pretty much told her what you just did: that my resume would be tossed into the garbage before anyone even looks at it. Now, this puzzles me just as much as why they do it in dating. As far as dating goes, I am often told "its not about logic, its about emotion". But in case of the job resume, it very much IS about logic. Because one thing he told my mom's friend is the following. He told her that I clearly accomplished a lot, and my work is very interesting, but the person that initially looks at the resume is not a professional so they won't be able to appreciate my work. All they would see is that it is poorly written and toss it away. But this led me to ask the following question:
what is the purpose of even having there a person who is not professional? The answer is that the purpose is precisely that: to toss away resumes that are not in a good format.
But this shows that you can no longer say "its not logic its emotion". Because they hired a separate person for this very purpose. In order to hire someone, you clearly need to think about it consciously, not subconsciously. So what was their logic when they purposely decided to hire someone, who is not in the field, for the sole purpose of throwing away resumes that "don't look good"? Clearly, this is in a realm of explicit reasoning -- logic. Unfortunately, I didn't talk to the guy who said it, instead I talked to the woman who passed it to me (my mom's friend that is) and she kept saying I don't know. I wish I could get ahold of that guy so he could explain to me the logic behind it. I don't see it.
One thing that both of them suggested to me is to go to a place where they would edit my resume, and they even know of a place where they do it for free. But here is the question. If,
presumably my ability to make resume reflects my actual skills, then wouldn't going to a place that helps me with resume amount to cheating? If, on the other hand, everyone knows that it doesn't reflect my skills (which is why such a place exists), then why would they hire a person to toss away the resume that is not up to the aesthetic standards?
Or let me put the question this way. What would happen if I go to that place, that edits my resume, and submit a perfect resume, so I get invited to the interview. Then, when I come to the interview, I actually mention to them that such and such place helped me edit my resume, and then show them the resume that I had before I went to that place. Will they hire me or not? I have a question in both cases:
1) If they will hire me, then the question is: why would they not have hired me if I were to show them "only" the old resume "without" the new one? After all, the "old" resume is what reflects my "actual" skills, while the new resume is about skills of some unknown people they don't care about. Or alternatively, why wouldn't they simply send me to that agency if they got only the old resume? After all, if they are perfectly fine with old+new, but they don't like old-alone, then the logical way to "fix" old-alone is to ask me to go to that agency and send them the new one. So why is it, if I decide to go to that agency on my own, I am hireable, but if they send me there then I am not?
2) If the answer is that they won't hire me, then does it mean that by "not" showing my old resume I am making a "white lie" in terms of "withholding a crucial information"? Most people would say "they weren't asking you that question so don't answer what you weren't asked". But you see, here I am not talking about what I had for breakfast. I am talking about something that is important to them. So if they wouldn't want to hire someone who can't write good resume without the help of that service, and you hide the fact that you fall into that category, wouldn't that be dishonest?
Now, with dating I can ask the same question. Lets say I learn to dress really well and all that stuff. So a girl finally approaches me. Then, at some point in our conversation, I tell her "by the way, not that long ago I used to be messy", and show her a messy picture of me. Would she still be interested or not? Again, I can ask the two questions parallel to the above two:
3) If she would still be interested, then why wouldn't she simply ask me to clean myself up in case I didn't do it on my own? In other words, if I was first messy (as evident from the photo I shown her) and then became clean (as evident from how she met me) and it was my own idea -- then she likes me. But if I was first messy (in how I presented myself to her live) and then became clean (because she asked me to), and it was her idea (since she had to ask me), then she doesn't like me. If the difference is whether or not I am "smart enough" to think of it myself, then how does she really know I thought of it myself? What if one of my friends told me to clean myself up? And even if I did think of it myself, I surely wasn't born that smart. Someone had to teach me at some point. Why can't she?
4) If she would not be interested, then by not showing her messy picture of myself I am defrauding her, in the same way I am defrauding the job by not showing them the old resume. Since in both cases I am not giving a crucial part of information that would infulence their decision.
Or even consider the following scenario. Lets say she first sees me as messy and then later on sees me as no longer messy. Will she be interested in me later on?
5) If the answer is yes, then again, why can't she simply ask me to clean up?
6) If the answer is no, then wouldn't it again imply that I would be defrauding her if she sees me as clean the very first time she sees me, and I am not telling her I used to be messy
Now the reason I ask those questions is the following. As mentioned earlier, I want a girl partly for self esteem purposes. But if I know that the reason I have the girl is because I withhold from her part of information, and she wouldn't be with me if I were to reveal it to her, then it doesn't help me with self esteem as much. Because, essentially, she is not liking ME, she is liking a front I put forth. Now, from where I am sitting, I know I am still the same person, whether I am dressed nice or poorly. But thats not what she thinks. She, clearly, doesn't think I am the same person. So if I think its the same person and she thinks its two different people, then how do I know that the "clean person" that she sees is "really me"? Maybe she is thinking she is liking someone other than me? So my goal of "myself" being liked won't be fulfilled.
Once you have a girlfriend, sometimes people go right back to being slobs again. I personally like to look nice for the person l see.
Thats interesting. So apparently others are quite conscious about being clean in order to get a girlfriend? And I was assumign they are just clean because "its a routine", and I am not that fond of routines. But now I see that no its not about my "not being fond of routines" but rather my not seeing various connections that other people see.
When l lived in AZ, yes, l was afraid of being car-jacked.
I am in New Mexico though. Is Arizona and New Mexico similar in this respect?
Speaking of cars, I don't drive.
By the way, is the fact that I don't drive puts people off as well?
I notice that past few years people seem to assume I am homeless, which they didn't do before. Maybe its because there are more homeless in New Mexico, maybe its because I got older. But the fact that I don't drive might contribute to it too (although I never drove in the past either).
By the way, an analogue of them hiring a person to toss away sloppy resumes is similar to the bar hiring a bouncer that tosses away people that dress sloppily. I actually remember a specific occasion where bouncer turned me away for sloppy dress and I was mad at him for years. What I don't get is this: how would getting better dress would make you a better person? What would stop a criminal from putting a good dress? And again, you can't say "its not logic its emotions". They hired a bouncer for that very purpose. So this very much IS logic. So can you tell me what it is that they see that I don't?