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Why do so many aspies have an intense hatred for sports (excepting martial arts and brainy games)?

I love playing Pool,. and despite poor hand to eye co-ordination I'm not bad at it, I just don't play as much as I used to nowadays.
I like hiking, martial arts maybe.

As for anything else, poor motor control and the culture around it makes me despise it.
I like dodgeball and soccer. I like playing sports but I don't have a lotta opportunities to play and watching sports is boring.
Do they really? I played soccer last night; had fun. Will play hockey in the fall again.

I don't care for watching them on TV much, but I do enjoy the statistics in baseball. Couldn't imagine watching or participating in a martial art or force myself to find anything interesting about any one of them.

This sounds more like a personal preference rather than an autistic thing.
I love association football (AKA "soccer"), and my second favorite sport is Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ).

I only play the former, at the moment. I play outside, for 2-3 hours, on most of my "days off" from work. Also, I've been watching lots of pro footage, for about a decade, now.

BJJ came upon me, informally, in childhood, since a few of my friends liked to grapple, and I soon began to enjoy beating them up. Well, maybe it wasn't "beating;" it was moreso immobilizing my opponents, and releasing them, if they were hurt, or if they were to "tap out." Strangely, I held them in so many holds, yet perhaps never tightly enough, to defeat them. Then, one of my childhood friends, whom I frequently used to fight, took me down, and squeezed my neck, and I tapped out. I went 0-1, despite dominating, in so many positions, over several years. Perhaps, I never had the aggression to finish anyone.

Anyway, I enjoy sports; just not all of them. I'm clumsy, which hinders my ability, but practice somewhat atones for the motor skill deficiencies. I can definitely play ardently, and if there's a ball to be kicked, I want to kick it.
I don't hate sports per se, they just don't really interest me. I wanted to try and get into lacrosse several years back for the hell of it but my mom and dad didn't think it was such a good idea since it's a bit of a contact sport, and I was a bit scrawny-er at the time.
I like a lot of sports and have been involved in several non-team sports. I like to golf and have raced motorcycles & snowmobiles in my younger days. I do not do very good at any of them because I am just to clumsy. Obviously I do not play team sports, but I love to watch NFL & NCAA football.
I play association football, AKA "soccer," on my own. I never cared for crowds and teams. Plus, transgender people, like me, get treated like crap, in the sporting world. It's either: you play on the [cisgender] men's team or the [cisgender] woman's team. "Cisgender" is the antithesis of "transgender." Most of the human population identifies as cisgender.

I may be male, in sex [body], but my gender [mind] isn't male at all (see "Transgender[...]," in my Signature, if you want details). Since gender ≠ sex, therefore, I'm transgender. Never would I play on a men's team; that would destroy my mental health and besmirch the transgender community. It'd be the equivalent of Aspien me playing on a neurotypical team. Pure assimilation; pure dishonesty; unbearable qualms. I need authenticity, for happiness.

Although my chances, of playing on an official team, suck (due to the dilemma of suffering either: transgender stigma or hypocritically-derived qualms), I love football and have not deserted it. I play it casually, for hours, on nearly every "day off" from work. For 10-11 years, I've played it. Whether I play, on my street, or visit a football pitch, and fire some 30-yard free kicks into the goal, I'm always: inventing new techniques, mastering old ones, and challenging myself. I watch the sport frequently, even if few people, in my endemic Canada, cherish it.

I could probably name about 700-1000 professional footballers, out of memory, without using the Internet, to cheat. I've surely seen over 10,000 players, but my memory isn't terrific, and I would cringe, after failing to name some obvious players.

In relation to the thread's question, I absolutely love a sport devious from martial arts. Football, and its beach and indoor variants, top my favorite sports, while grappling martial arts place second.
I hope that's not all exercise, afterall aspies are supposed to be intelligent, not exercising and eating a lot of junk food isn't intilegent
My problem with playing sports is partly that sports are usually played outside, and the sun hurts my eyes. Back in school I'd spend most of my time during PE just staring at the grass or something. Partly I could never tell who was on my team since everyone wore the same clothes.
I'm not comfortable with team activities like sports; syncing myself with other people is always uncomfortable; I'd really rather just do my own thing at my own pace in my own way.

As far as watching sports goes, I just find them all very boring and don't understand how people can get so obsessed over these games.
Physical activities are actually really fun, but because of my issues with motor skills I'm not very good at them. Other people usually get annoyed while playing sports with me due to that, so they aren't enjoyable to participate in.

I don't like watching other people play sports either, so I don't have a reason to like them since I can't enjoy playing or spectating them. I don't care if other people like and participate in them though.

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