There definitely are
Ste11aeres, it doesn't take an Aspie to focus so intently on their area of interest or expertise that they loose focus of everything else and, it doesn't take an NT to be a skilled socialite. Just one or the other of us is more apt to be able to do one or the other more easily than the other.
When you look at groups of people capable of both, it's difficult to tell one form the other without at least interviewing or, possibly testing all of them.
I've know Aspies who are prone to seeing Aspie traits in almost everyone but, the reverse is true as well NTs see things we consider Aspie as normal. When it comes to phycology, I believe every single person on the planet could be diagnosed with SOMETHING if the one doing the diagnosing set their mind to digging until they found enough oddities about the person to give them something. It is an inexact science with educated guesses being the best they can give us.