I need to start here by posting that the staff you deal with daily had nothing to do with this change.
If you were to ask me,the staff here does a pretty good job of keeping this forum safe and friendly. I can't thank each one of them enough for what they give to AspiesCentral,y'all might want to consider thanking them too for being there for you.
@Brent the forum owner is the only one who has access to making those types of changes,so until he actually sees this thread that I moved to the appropriate forum area,nothing,if anything, will change for now.
I'm not really in favor of it,because my own name is on it,but is it really that offensive that one can't just scroll below it and make it go away?
Ok,first off,some of these post whores are just very active members who have spent quite a bit of our time here adding to threads,or just having fun on music threads or forum games.
That doesn't make them any better than any other member,it just shows how much time they had to give.
Please excuse us for doing so,but maybe we just like the place.
In fact,my posts are usually very direct and as concise as I can make them,so don't count on me posting rubbish just to drive my numbers up,it ain't gonna happen...
If you took notice,your overall posters here became staff at one point in time or another or have been active members for a long time. Do you think there might just be something to that?
I like it enough to accept my minor role here as one of your forum administrators. I find reward in giving a little something back for what I get from here.
To me,that's a win/win,even though I hate that phrase.
Ok,many of us have ad blocking software and would never see the ads here no matter how we view it.
It works,but gives nothing back.
I joined up as a VIP,to help support the server costs and to give a little bit back to Brent who has to keep us afloat by selling advertising space and memberships.
Looking back on it,I should probably donate more and continue to boost the interest in VIP memberships.
Do y'all know that you can gift them to other members?
Not a bad idea on how to make a good friend here,and every little bit helps in the bigger picture.
I think a good idea might have been to open a poll,so any member who had a thought on it could show whether they favor or dislike the change.
That would be democratic if you were to ask me