In Xtianity Jesus died for the salvation of the soul, once one repents for their sins. Some Xtian sources say that Hell does not exist and people just get destroyed after death. It's called "annihilation."
Annihilation is the Natural Result of Death
The final death, or annihilation, of those who do not wish to live eternally with God is NOT punishment; it is simply the natural result of our innate mortality. We don’t posses innate immortality, but God offers immortality to us on the condition that we accept it. But if we reject the offer then we experience the natural consequence of mortality–extinction. Annihilation. It is our choice.
A Gentle Alternative to Punishment in Hell for Those Who Reject God’s Offer of Eternal Life—Conditional Immortality
Christian mortalism is the doctrine that all men and women, including Christians, must die, and do not continue and are not conscious after death. Therefore,
annihilationism includes the doctrine that "the wicked" are also destroyed rather than
tormented forever in traditional "hell" or the
lake of fire. Christian mortalism and annihilationism are directly related to the doctrine of conditional immortality, the idea that a human
soul is not immortal unless it is given eternal life at the
second coming of Christ and
resurrection of the dead."
Hell - Wikipedia